Chapter 10- ❄️Departures and arrivals❄️

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Leaving my family is always the hardest part of visiting. It's when the homesick gut wrenching feeling makes me regret moving away for my career. Every year I want to say screw it and never return to the humid warm state, because I could never call it home.

Colorado is home.

As much as Noel and I butt heads, we cry every time we repeat our goodbyes. She's still my little sister and I miss her dearly. Chris and her give me hugs, saying how they can't wait to see us for their wedding next year. Nick is less sentimental and remains his tough macho poise, but it's Bridgette who is an overly emotional mess. She cries into my shoulder and hugs me with the dearest of farewells as Avery joins her. I'm so glad to have her as a sister-in-law. I probably stay in contact with her more than my own brother through texting, calls, or even FaceTime chats and also getting to talk with Avery.

Marco and Estelle also came over to send us off. Aida gives me a monstrous hug. I cradle a newborn Adriel in my arms and delicately rock him as he suckles on his pacifier, still sleeping peacefully. Ever so carefully, I pass him back over to his mom and Estelle gives me a side hug as she rubs motherly pats to my back.

The hardest goodbye though, my parents.

The ones who brought me life. They always believed in me, even when I doubted myself, they never gave up on me. They both always know what to say to encourage me to perceiver. They pushed me through college, the countless times I wanted to give up and throw in the towel. They convinced me how import it was to reach my goal and go for my masters. They were so proud when they got to watch me walk at the ceremony and I held up my diploma, the same one hung up in my office at work.

Dad's open arms I run to with tears streaking my face like I'm a child all over again and he's big papa bear, sheltering me from the world with his protective hug. He locks me in, the scruff of his beard scratches my forehead as he clutches me to his chest.

"Oh I'll miss you my Holly Jolly," dad chokes and holds himself back from crying, but I can't.

I sob into his shirt and stifle the sniffles to somewhat control my cries, but it's not working. "I'll miss you too dad," I blubber.

"You'll be okay sweetheart, you have someone to look after you now." He shifts to extend his arm out from being wrapped around me. I wipe away the tears to see Red shaking my dads hand and giving him a reassuring nod. Through my wheezing, my heart flutters in my chest from the seriousness of Red's stare and how unbothered he is by my ugly crying.

"Holly, my first baby come to mama," mom croaks from behind dad and I drop from his hold to rush her. Cinnamon waifs my nostrils the instant I'm in her embrace and it's the comfort of home. Now I really can't keep my composure and I break down worse than before. I am straight up bawling as she pulls me in with her almighty strength grasp.

"I'm gonna miss you mom," I bellow out and she only squeezes around me tighter.

"Me too Holly, but you'll be back sooner than you know it." She pulls us apart to hold my face up and smooths over my blonde curls. "And when you do, I'll be waiting with a tray of cookies dear."

She makes a smile spread over my face as I lick my lips. My stomach growls for them already. "I can't wait mom."

"You don't have to yet," she says and motions to dad who jumps with a point of his finger, only to return with a red and white Tupperware. He hands the container to me and it has a picture of holly leaves on the top. I don't even have to open it to know the contents. "For the trip."

I spread my arms wide to give them both one last big hug before Marco has to shlep us up to Denver international. The Colorado Springs airport was fully booked for our flight back to Fort Lauderdale so we switched to Denver for the nonstop departure out to the sunshine state.

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