Chapter 7- ❄️This is home❄️

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Not long after my talk with Bridgette was she ready to call it a night. I managed to rip Noel and Estelle who were drunkenly dancing all over each other on the small wooden floor near the karaoke set up.

We were all giggles piling into Bridgette's minivan, while she kept swatting at Estelle in the front seat who kept trying to change the radio.

We sang along disastrously to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. We are screeching out the words like we're in our own concert, even though Bridgette is responsibly in the far right lane on I-25 doing exactly the speed limit.

I had texted Red when we were heading back but he didn't respond, which made me think that he was still out.

We hugged Bridgette and Estelle goodbye before they pulled out of the driveway. Noel and I stumbled our way into the mud room, stripping our coats and those heels finally. Even though I mainly sat at the booth with Bridgette, they still hurt my dang feet.

The house is dark with the exception of the candlelight a luminescences vicariously throughout the halls.

We found our way to the kitchen and started rummaging through the various Tupperware containers with cookies. Noel poured us some milk but spilled a little on the counter between the 2 mugs she set down. We're both giggling at her clumsiness when the kitchen light switches on.

We're like deer caught in the headlights in our drunken and clumsy state.

But we both laugh even harder when we notice the 4 men that walk into our mess while I'm trying to mop up the milk with paper towels and it's only making a soppier mess.

Chris moves slowly to Noel, but it's slurred and delayed. Red wastes no time striding up to me to stake his claim around my waist and I'm giggling even more before he pulls me in for a kiss.

Noel and Chris were already leaving to go to their room. I didn't want to know what they were going to do, nor did I want to hear it through the thin walls in the house.

Red kisses my forehead as I leaned against him, but we swayed in our inebriated position.

"I had a hunch you two would get along," Marco says while fist bumping Nick.

"Where's my very pregnant and very horny wife?" Nick asks with a smirk while the guys all laugh and I roll my eyes.

"They just dropped us off not long ago. You'll probably catch them just getting back too," I tell them and I watch as they elbow each other. They were both getting lucky tonight no doubt.

"Thanks for coming out man," Marco takes Red in with a manly hug as they pat each other on the backs.

Marco and Nick then leave, so it's just Red and I alone in the silence of the night to an empty kitchen.

His eyes are bloodshot and definitely hooded from however many beers he consumed at my brother's brewery. I still felt competent with only a slight wave, but had I taken the last round of shots with my sister and Estelle, I would be spinning.

Red slips his hand into mine and his calm soothing touch washes over me, I smile up at him.

"Let's get to bed," he sighs while tucking a few stray blonde curls behind my ear before he hold his lips to my forehead. My eyes flutter closed and the scruff of his beard sent delicious shakes throughout my spine.

He led me to my room and stopped in front of the door, kisses me softly but when pulls away he winks and walks into his room.

I quickly change into my pajamas and crawl into bed, this time I'm fully expecting for Red to come in. When the door to the bathroom opens, my heart leaps in my chest as he strides over and I waste no time pulling him down to the bed with me. The old springs of the mattress creaked with his added body weight and he tucks himself under the blanket from the frosty air. Even with the heater on, the room was always cold, but I love it that way.

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