Chapter 3- ❄️Colorado Sunrise❄️

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Today is the opening of my brother and Marco's brewery. It's has been an uphill battle that they have been fighting for years. It's now finally going to all come together.

This time last year they secured their lease with the smaller space at the end of a shopping plaza, but it was just big enough for them to have the in-house brewery system showcased like they imagined. I only have the knowledge from what Nick and my parents have told me over the last year. How they struggled obtaining their license to serve. The guys argued on the ambiance they wanted, when Marco won, Nick realizing his place will be more in the back anyways, as he calls himself a brew-master.

It's been their dream since high school to open their own brewery; Marco went to business school while my brother worked in house as a server for  larger brewing companies here in Colorado. He was the only one of the three of us that didn't attend college, but he still had his goals set in stone.

Sure they had their road blocks too. They both met their wives and started families before their business even could start. But I've never met more determined guys.

One of our favorite things to do back when we were in high school, we would get up really early. We would bring blankets and hot cocoa to keep warm as we climbed up the rocks on Gold Camp Road and stared down to the town below us, as everyone was getting up for their day. The lights of houses and streetlights still illuminating the dark sky as the dawn slowly creeped its way in. The rock was easy to scale and we all sat up top waiting to see the sun peak out from the horizon to the Kansas border, as if we could see that far. The windmills spinning far off in the distance. Just then the sun peaks out as the colors sky change before our eyes into beautiful hues of blue to purple and pink. Until the sun fully unveils itself and the orange tones streak through.

Colorado Sunrise Brewing Company. I thought it was perfect. Apparently Marco already knew back then too.

I laid in bed long enough to avoid the person staying in my brothers room next door. I heard him run the shower and I laid awake staring at the ceiling. I waited until I heard his door shut and the shuffling of his feet walking down the stairs. I couldn't avoid him for long when we're staying in the same house.

I hurriedly got myself ready and ran down the steps to the kitchen where of course everyone is gathered around the marbled island. I avoid Red's gaze when I walk in and smile to everyone else. I grab myself a red and black plaid mug and fix my coffee while in silence and I feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Good morning sweetheart," my dad greets me as he's standing next to mom with his arm draped around her while they both sip their mugs.

"Morning everyone," I say to the lot of them.

"I made breakfast but it didn't last long," my mom points out the empty plates on the breakfast table. "I can make you some eggs and bacon too dear."

"Thanks mom, it's fine. I'll whip up something for myself," I tell her as I kiss the side of her head.

"So Chris and I were talking to Red," Noel starts to say. "He said how you were going to take him sightseeing. We should all go to Garden of the Gods today before the opening tonight!" She claps her hands excitedly.

Chris is standing next to her and he loses all the color in his face and goes pale.

"You okay there Chris?" I ask him and he shoots up to try to collect himself but something definitely flashed over him.

"Yeah, I'm good." He forces a fake smile, but looks down to my sister and softens. It's astounding to see that just looking at my sister can change his mood. It's not that I'm jealous, I'm glad my sister found someone that loves her, but there's the ping of envy, that yarn for the love and affection of someone. I'll never get that.

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