❄️Bonus! Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!❄️

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So much has changed in the last year!

Red stayed down in Florida with me for the few weeks after we got back from the Christmas trip. He let the holiday buzz die off before he flew back to New York. He was only gone a few days to get his affairs in order, then he was on a flight back to Florida, toting a good portion of his belongings. He swore he wasn't moving in, but that's exactly what he did. I didn't mind one bit.

He was able to secure a monthly showcase of his work with the gallery director he originally traveled to Florida to meet. They were so impressed with his work that he got a permanent spot with their exhibit.

But mid March the pandemic hit.

He avoided going back to New York with the outbreak and spread of coronavirus reeking havoc on the state. We quarantined at my condo when my job sent me to work from home. He saw no excuse to want to leave Florida at that point.

I would've thought that being quarantined with me would surely make Red want to run for the hills, but it only brought us closer.

Day in and day out, we bonded and became inseparable to where he knew that he didn't want to move back to New York.

But I didn't want him to move to Florida with me.

Ever since the Christmas trip, I had been desperately searching for jobs back in Colorado. For months I had zero luck and absolutely no offers, but it was partially due to the country being shut down and lots of companies having their employees working remotely.

It wasn't until around September, I got an email from the United States Department of Defense for an opening position for a senior data analysis with an even better salary than I was currently making. It was like my pleas to move back home were finally answered.

Even with the pandemic still in full effect around the country, we made our plans to officially move to Colorado.

My condo sold in record time that Red and I had to move into a month-to-month rental until we were ready to leave the sunshine state behind us. Already securing a small house, thanks to Nick and Bridgette's help, not too far from where my parents live.

Bridgette gave birth to a healthy little baby boy, Felix, the week after Christmas and he made it to the new year. I was over the moon excited for them and couldn't wait to get back to Colorado so I could meet my nephew.

After all the struggles and stress of this last year, Red and I have come out on top, stronger than ever, ready for the next phase in our relationship.

Now, the week before Christmas, Red flew back up to New York already to clear out his apartment and get all his stuff shipped out to Colorado. While I'm sitting in our itty bitty rental that we called home for the last three months with boxes stacked haphazardly all around me. I'm ready to finally go home.

"Hey stop day dreaming and help me out here sis," Nick barks and snaps me out of my daze.


"There's only a few more boxes to get onto the truck Holly and we're out of here. The sooner we can get there, the better." Nick picks up the boxes that were at my feet and I stand to assist with the one I was sitting on.

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