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i shook my head, that was a weird flashback. i look over at my phone. the same phone i used to call alberto that day. suddenly i hear a knock on the door.

i get startled, i live alone...

i grab a bat and slowly get up. then i grab the doorknob and open the door.


i scream.

"giuila! you scared me! what are you doing here? and without notice."

"oh my god, i'm so sorry... i just- you weren't picking up your calls and i wanted to make sure everything was okay here."

"i'm alright, thanks for worrying."

"hey uh... summers rolling up. you still don't wanna come to portorosso with me? my moms coming this time."

"i- i wish but uh... i have work to do."

"you sure? last summer alberto told me he misses you."

"he- oh... right."

"although i barley see alberto since he's always doing something. like working, swimming, taking care of children. all that stuff."


"yeah! he babysits once in a while."

"that's nice..."

"so you're not coming with us?"

"uh... i don't think so."

"awh come on luca! we miss you over there. at least... alberto does."

"no... i- i'm sorry..."

"okay well... just think about it okay? you're always welcome to come."


"well, i got to go. i think my moms making dinner. i'll see you at school."

"okay... bye giulia."

"bye bye!"

she leaves my room. i'm thinking now... should i go with her to portorosso? but... i don't think i can even face alberto. i miss him yes but... will he?

i woke up to the sound of the alarm going off next to me. i look over at it and slam my hand at the turn off button. i get up and get ready for school. i put on my school uniform and look in the mirror tightening my tie. then i head out...

i stand outside the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive when suddenly it did. i got on the bus and saw giuila waving at me.

"buongiorno, luca!"

she says to me getting up from her seat. she then sits down when i sit down next to her.

"okay, so i heard that today at school there's gonna be this really school wide project! anyone can join from any class! and maybe.. i was hoping we could be partners?"

"ooh! sure i'd love that!"

"è stupefacente! i cant wait! we're gonna make our project about... hm.. what will our project be about?"

giuila said putting a hand to her face to think.

"uh.. we could study..."

i think as well, i look out the window and see a man riding a...


i yell out.

"vespas? wait, that's a great idea! okay, we can apply today and get started tomorrow. wanna come over to my house today?"

summer in portorosso - luca x alberto Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat