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we arrived at the garage. alberto put the vespa kick stand up that surprisingly wasn't broken.

"hm... i guess uh, i need help."

"i... i mean i can help? i'm not much of a technician but..."

"ha, i mean i have help from the person i borrow this place from. it's fine, it'll be done by this week. i wake up early anyway to come here."

"oh, okay."

"so... luca, i- it's- how's school been?"

"fine i guess, i learned a lot of new things."

"that's great! i mean good, that's good."

i laughed.

"oh and uh, that thing you told me summers ago. i... i learned the meaning."

albertos eyes lit up.

"really? what- what does it it mean!?"

"ha, you were saying... nice to meet you my name is twisty trombone."

"what? that doesn't even make any sense!"

"i know!"

we both laughed for a while.

"so uh, where are you staying? your parents house...?"

"oh uhm, yeah i am. i'm glad to see there doing okay."

"yeah, i mean i love going over there to talk to them."

"oh yeah, i heard. guess you know a lot about me when i was younger."

"oh... i know that when you were a small fry. you used to bump into everything because you could barley see."

"oh yeah, i was blind as a kid."

"and, they told me you didn't know what bubbles were until one day you formed one by accident and scared yourself till you cried."

"oh god..."

i shook my head, that was embarrassing.

"no no! it's funny don't worry."

"well uhm, it's getting kinda late. i think maybe my parents want me home early to talk about stuff."

"oh! oh yeah yeah... you should go. don't keep them waiting."

"okay... i'll see you tomorrow."

"bye luca!"

alberto waved to me as i waved back awkwardly. i started walking to my parents new home.

i knocked on the door. i waited a bit for them to get up. then my mom opened the door.

"oh, luca! you're back! so you're gonna stay here?"

"yeah, and i guess for the whole summer."

"oh how great! we have a room for you here."

"you have a...

wow, it's been so long since i've came here i didn't even think of my parents. that's bad, they got this whole house, a room for me, and much more and i don't even show up? what was even wrong with me.

"wow, i- thank you mom so much."

"no problem, we missed you around here."

i just stopped for a moment. a tear fell down my cheek. i ran up to my mom and gave her a big hug. we hugged for a moment before pulling apart. i smiled at my dad, we all laughed.

"so uhm, how was it? did you talk to alberto and giuila?"

"yeah, i did. it wasn't too awkward since it's been a while since i've seen him. not so much giuila but... heh yeah..."

summer in portorosso - luca x alberto Where stories live. Discover now