The Blackout. ..

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A/N Pls halp! I am in stitches!  My step-dad sneezed and then straight after my nans dog sneezed.  OMG! That was so funny! Sorry I just had to get that out there. Onward with the story. -Redpanda_Queen

Back and forth, he constantly paced for about an hour. He was making me feel more enclosed in this space that was still limited before. His blue hair was making me feel dizzy as he moved around the elevator. I looked away from him and continued to browse through my music for another song, before I pass out. I kinda feel sorry for this guy that's in the elevator with me, because he must feel like a rate spanner showing off that he is claustrophobic in front of a complete stranger. To be honest I don't judge him, because I don't like being trapped in elevators. I finally chose a song 'If I'm James Dean, Then Your Audrey Hepburn', by Sleeping With Sirens. (A/N It was the song I was listening to when I wrote this part:)

This song kept my cool for now. I took my time to think of happy things like: the time I moved in with Jesse and we started decorating my room, or the time when we went to Switzerland and we had the best breakfast ever because we couldn't find anywhere to eat and the time when we did a challenge together in the Radio1 studio and I had to do a forfit at the end of the week. Much fun!

----------------------Flashback swag-------------

We were unpacking the last of my boxes for me to move into my new room. Jesse has been a great help, he is a great friend and new roommate. I was carrying my last box, which said Radio1 swag!, with stuff for streaming the radio channel thing at home. They do allow me to do that most of the time, but I prefer to go into the studio, but it's too far from where I live. Also, when we do challenges at home I mainly do them with Jesse. I was walking past the kitchen, when I got hit in the face by cream pie. My box dropped out of my hands and onto the floor, so I went into the kitchen and grabbed my own cream pie. "Haha, I gotcha ass!", Jesse said while he quickly ran past me. He jumped over the couch and attempted to hide with another cream pie. For the rest of that day we were running around the living room having a cream pie war, until we ran out of ammunition.

----------------Flashback Over-------------------

I held back a giggle, as I remembered that moment like it had happened yesterday. We still have fun moments like that, more often than not. My phone then began to ring and I looked at it. The funny thing was that the guy, who was with me, froze and gave me an odd look. I am not sure if he ment it though, but his face is quite adorable, in some ways. The person who was ringing me was Jesse, speaking of the devil. It continued to ring, but then I answered it.

Me: What's up?

Jesse: I heard that there is a blackout in London. Are you experiencing it. Oh, wow Jesse. The first thing you ask is are you experiencing it, not are you okay? As you just said that the blackout is happening in London.

Me: Yeah I am, why did you ask such a stupid question?

There was a silence between us and I could just here him sighing, just realising what he said. Good job dude.

Jesse: Ugh, sorry. Well, I am a bit dim, ya'know.

Me: Yeah, I do know I experience it nearly everyday.  I tried to hold back my laughs, but I couldn't help it but to. Jesse makes me laugh, but that is just how it is and no one can change it.

Jesse: I can here you laughing. Anyways how are you?

Me: Well actually not too good.  It was true. I know I am fine, but I don't feel it being in an elevator during a blackout.

Jesse: Why? What's wrong? He then turned from one of the happiest person ever to a worried human being. Out of 1to 10, I would rate him and 8, for being on a worried scale.

Me: Um, well I feel quite isolated and I am in an elevator so... That must sum it up for you. I don't know why, but my voice was shaking and I sruggled to speak. Maybe, I didn't want to show my true colors infront of someone I don't know, but he must know now.

Jesse: Okay, um are you alone? His voice was beginning to shake. Jesse is my guy best friend, so I guess he knows a lot about me and what I can be like when I am in enclosed spaces.

Me: No, I am with some guy that got trapped in here with me.

Jesse: Is he friendly? By that I mean can he support you in anyway? When he asked me that, I looked over at the guy. He was sat in the corner opposite me, by the door.

Me: Um, not to be rude to the guy or anything, but he is in an even more worst state than me.

Jesse: Oh, well you know how to help yourself, but is there anyway you can help the guy.

Me: Maybe, but I will go, bye.

jesse: Bye. Have fun.

He ended the call trying to put a small laugh on at what he last said. I continued listening to my music, until I didn't feel like listening to music anymore. The guy was still sat in the corner and hadn't moved an inch, but I could here him crying a little. I didn't know how to help him. Then I got a notification from Twitter from Radio1. Sorry, to our viewers and listeners of BBC Radio1, but here in London we are having a blackout so we have just set a playlist for you guys to listen to. Hopefully, we will be back soon and shoutout to @Radio1Kathy for being here all this weekend and we will hear from you tomorrow.

This blackout is going to be lame, but I have to try and make the most of it. I could still hear the sobs from the guy across from me and I wanted to help him somehow. Then it dawned on me, he hasn't had any messages or calls from anyone and he hasn't called anyone either. "Excuse me? Are you okay? Would you like to call anyone?", I said just before I stood on my feet. He didn't answer, but I walked up to him and asked again. This time he looked up at me with his eyes swollen and red. There were stains on his cheeks from the tears that had fallen and he wiped them away. "Is there anyone you would like to call?", I asked again. I crouched down infront of him handing him my phone and he put a little smile onto his face. "If....If...You do...don't mind?", He trembled out, still letting the tears fall down his face. I smiled and gave him my phone,"If you need anything, I will try and help", I assured him with a smile.

He took the phone out of my hand and his sobs became quieter. I stood up and went back to my corner. This was the my home for now, until the blackout is over, if it ever will be. The guy was making a phone call and he seemed to be happier that he can speak to someone he knows. I am such a good human being. Well, I helped him, because I can't stand being around another person being upset like he was. I got my guitar out of my case and began to play it, but I didn't sing because I don't want to disrupt the phone call. The guy looked up at me every now and then smiling at me. His smile was adorable, much like him and his blue hair was the highlight of the moment.

I took my mind off of the guy opposite me and put into the guitars notes. It wasn't long until he had finnished the phone call, but I didn't notice him sit next to me. "Thank you, um what's your name", he asked chirpier than before. I looked up and replied with a smile on my own face,"It's no problem and It's Katherine, but you can call me Kathy." We shook hands,"Nice name and here." He handed me my phone back. "What's your name?", I asked, as I didn't catch it before. "Tom", he replied and he has more pride in speaking.  He wasn't trembling in his speach anymore. "Tom", I repeated smiling. It suits him and the way he looks. Maybe this blackout wont suck as much as I thought before.

A/N Hey! This part is finally updated. I hoped for it to be uploaded on Friday, but I had some technical difficulties. However, it is finally here. Remember to vote, comment, share and follow if you enjoyed and you can become part of the redpanda_team today! Shoutout to @haileyurie for making the cover for this  short story and you can checkout the swag of that redpanda_queen follower! See you legends next update! Yaarrr! -Redpanda_Queen

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