A Series Of Unfortunate Events...

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"Well, in the studio we have tons of fun, just like you do streaming. My job is kind of like yours, but in different ways. See we both have millions of viewers to entertain. Right?", I decided to reply to his question about my work. For the past few hours we have been freaking out, taking phne calls, singing and sharing stories. This blackout has been better than expected, I guess. We have been keeping each others company and I could say that I have met a huge personality from Youtube, which is true because Tom has a few million subscribers but not just on Youtube on TwitchTV too.

"I get what you mean about it being similar. I mean we both entertain for a living nad in similar ways", he agreed letting out a yawn. He must be tired as it is almost midnight. I must admit I am tired, but I don't want to seem rude and just sleep with him being awake. He obviously didn't want to seem rude either, but we both clearly need to sleep. "If you are tired you can sleep if you want", I welcomed him to do whatever he wants. He gave me an odd expression saying if I was okay with it, but he then just shook his head. "Are you sure? You look tired, so feel free", I replied.

"I am tired, but are you okay with it?", he questioned.

"Go for it", I chuckled. I gave him my hoodie out of my bag to act as a pillow and he decided to sleep in the corner opposite me. He was the sweetest person I could ever meet during a blackout, especially in an elevator. With in a few hours you can learn quite a lot about a person, a person who will speak to you and who is a big personality for quite a few people. I watched him sleep for a while and his eyelids were flickering a little which made me giggle.

I must say that he must be a little bit of a restless sleeper, because he was moving a lot. I took a book out of my bag and began to read for a while, but I kept an eye on Syndicate at the same time. He was moving a little less than before, but I was't sure whether he was okay, he just didn't seem like it. At least I will be going home tomorrow and I will be back with Jesse. Plus, I might check out Tom's channel on Twitch and Youtube, as well as watch the episodes of Trinity Island.

Also, I must check out that vlogg he was on about with Jericho getting stuck in his car, which must've been amusing for him and FireFoxx to vlogg. I continued reading for another long while, but then I caught a glimpse of movement ou the corner of my eye. "G'day mate!", I yelled noticing that he was awaking from his sleep. He just giggled at me and then sat back next to me. I giggled back and looked back at my book, so I could finish my chapter and then I put it away. "Wait watcha reading?", he reached out to my hardback book. I passed it over to him and let him put all of his interest into it.

"Don't steal it or I'll give you a right rumble mate", I giggled shoving him slightly. He smiled and shoved me back.

"A Series Of Unfortunate Event, eh?", he questioned a little beginning to look inside. "So, what has made you read this then?", he continued still reading the book a little.

"Well, for a while I was going against reading the books for a while, because the boy on the cover looks too much like Harry Potter. However, I really wanted to know what happens in the stories so I decided to read them", I said shrugging a little. He just giggled at my reason to reading the books and to be honest I actually found them quite interesting, but they are starting to bore me a little. If books go on for so many series and begin to repeat each time they do tend to get a little boring.

Tom handed my book back,"You can read it if you want, as I am getting a little tired", I said. He smiled handing me my hoodie instead. I refolded my hoodie, so it would be comfortable for me to rest my head. If you are wondering why I didn't go to sleep when Tom did, then it is because I am not sure whether the power will turn back on. Which means incase it did then I could wake Tom up just before the elevator began moving again.

I slopped down resting my head on my hoodie, which was still only warm from when Tom had slept on it. I don't think he slept that long, but I didn't check the time on my phone. My eyes watched Tom reading the book for a while, but he noticed me watching. "Night!", he blurted out. He must be entertaining to watch for the two hours that he streams, because it is a long time to be sat watching any Youtuber. Sonja is alright to watch for two hours, because it is funny how she thinks that a lot of things are cute especially on Mianite. The first thing that she noticed was the sparkly flowers that are in the green lands.

Also, I am now finding it a little hard to watch the streems, because of the god damn sacaters that make that bloody anoying sound. It just irritates me so much, I think it also annoys Tom because I have hear him through team speak yelling at Sonja. I don't really pay too much attention to what happens through team speak incase one of them is un-muted and speak out something they are not meant to.

I eventually fell to sleep and I wasn't too comfortable being asleep in a place like this. It's not because of Tom it was just because of my nerves. I was happily sleeping and I eventually felt relaxed enough to just ignore what was going on.


Hey! How are you guys doing today? So, the video that I has shared is the short vlogg that Tom and Sonja did when Tucker got stuck inside his car. If you enjoyed remember to Vote, Share, Comment, Follow and check out my other stories. RedPanda_Queen.

If any of you wanted to know where I am from, I am from England like Mr Syndicate himself. The time here when I wrote this - 18:14

The Blackout (Tom Syndicate Short Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin