chapter 2

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I woke the next morning feeling horrible. My head was pounding, and everything was too bright and too loud. I slowly put on my robes and headed to breakfast with pansy who was also feeling the affects of one too many shots. We sat at our usually spot waiting for the boys to show up. Draco came in a while after and sat down across from me, looking like absolute shit, and he knew it, he has dark circles under his eyes, and his robes were all wrinkled, not at all the trademark Malfoy . I ate a little bit of a breakfast, chugged some water and headed off to divination.

Divination is a waste of a class, making me so happy it my first one today. I sat in the back with some other Slytherins and quickly fell asleep listening to the sound of the paranoid teachings of Professor Trelawney, although I wouldn't even call her a professor.

I awoke to her yelling about someone's teacup being filled with a grim. I opened my eyes to find her wide eyeing harry and ron, of course it was about the golden boys, I rolled my eyes and tried to go back asleep when the bell rang.
I stood up and went to my next class: potions with dad. I wasn't excited about this; I didn't want him to know that I got a little bit drunk last night. So I will have to hide it.

i walked In a little bit late after going to splash water on my face, and the only available seat was next to draco in the front of the room, fuck i thought, two hungover kids in the front of the classroom, perfect. Although between first period and now, draco seemed to muster up some energy, and doesn't looked nearly as hungover as he did this morning, he even glared at me when I sat down.  "rough night, Snape" he whispered so only I could hear.
"shut up Malfoy, we all know you had a rough night too" I groaned annoyed.

" Ladies and gentlemen welcome to 3rd year potions. I have yet to test your limits, and push past your fears, so this year i expect all of you to test those limits with your potion crafting." Dad started on. He rambled for a few minutes, mostly igniting fear in those wimpy kids, like Neville Longbottom, who despite the name has one of the flattest asses ive seen.

Once dad was done talking, he wanted us to craft a potion of instant plant grower, with our desk partners, boring but expectable considering my current state. It was difficult working with Draco, he always though he was right whenever he did something, and usually he was right which made me even madder. He tried to grab the spoon we were using to stir the formula at the same time I reached for it and for a very awkward moment we held onto each other's hands. We let go after we realized, but long enough for dad to notice, and for the deep red to appear across my cheeks. Draco smirked "just had to grab my hand did you, had to see how it felt? Got a little crush do ya, y/n" he laughed

"shut up Malfoy we both know it was an accident calm down before I make you." I replied a deeper shade of red growing on my cheeks.

"oh youll do what, y/n? make me? How exactly will you do that, im intrigued." he laughed quietly.  Dad found his way over to our table after the hand touch. He walked up to me and asked to see me after class. I already knew this was about Malfoy, which made me mad, I obviously didn't like Malfoy, he is arrogant and annoying.

I let Malfoy finished the potion, making sure we didn't touch again. The bell rang and everyone got up and left until it was just me and dad were left. He walked up to me and sat where Malfoy was sitting. We faced each other and he studied me for a while. I was worried he would see the how hungover I was, but if he noticed he didn't say anything. " i understand you are of age to uhh. .. start liking people" he started obviously uncomfortable with this conversation, "but not Malfoy, okay please."
"dad, that was an accident I promise. We both reached for the spoon at the same time, we were just as surprised as you." I responded embarrassed.

"okay y/n just be careful with some of the Slytherins, they are Slytherins foe a reason."
"yes, dad okay I will, I have to go to class, love you bye" I said rushing out of the classroom, glad that that conversation was over.
a/n getting juicy lmao. how are you liking the story?

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