Chapter fucking 2

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-Luke's pov-

I joined up with my best friends Michael and Ashton.

"Hey man, enjoy your dip in the ocean?" Michael smirked. I punched him in the arm causing him to wince in pain. I smiled wide, satisfied with his response.

"Hahahaa!!!!" Ashton just busted out laughing causing me to laugh. Michael scowled us but finally gave in and started laughing with us.

"I'm done with you guys" Michael growled.

"Why do you guys hate each other anyway?" Ashton asked me.



Calum and I were in the same middle school. We did everything together. Then one day a new girl named Stacy came. Calum and I promised to never let a girl come between us. But she did..

-Flashback ends-

"Who got her in the end?" Michael asked.

"None of us. She didn't like any of us. Cal and I just tore down each other limb to limb, until there was nothing left but ashes" I frowned.

"Dawwwwhh! You need a hug??" Ashton fake pouted.

"Get away from me!" I snapped.

"Do you think you guys could ever be friends again?" Michael asked in a serious tone.

I looked in Calum's direction, to see him looking at me as well.

"I don't know" I said softly. I cleared my throat and turned away. "In the meantime, who's the ugliest person on this boat??"

"C-C-C-C-CALUUUUMM!!" Michael and Ashton shouted.

I laughed. Calum always used to stutter so we have that slogan for him.


The bell rang signaling dinner. I had to use the bathroom really bad. I entered and saw Calum.

I glared at him, and he mirrored my actions.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Lucifer it's a breadstick" Calum remarked.

"That was so lame, I'll just call you Calvin"

"Why was I ever your friend?!"

"I can say the same thing about you" I spat.

"Whooaa. Says the guy who's watching me wash my hands"

"Calum. You do realize you are making no sense"

"I haven't eaten yet!" Calum rushed out the bathroom.

After I finished handling my business I went to the dining hall.

I looked around to see everyone chewing down there food like apes.

I saw Calum picking at his chicken awkwardly. I see why..the only other seat available was next to him. I walked and sat in the seat.

Calum kicked his foot on mines hardly. I returned him the favor. This time he brought his hand down to punch my thigh.

I whacked his hand away.

"What's going on?" Michael whispered.

Ashton was in la la land tearing the meat away from the chicken bone.

"An ogre somehow found its way onto the boat and is attacking" I smirked.

"I'm guessing you're the ogre, Luke?"

"No one asked you to join this conversation, Calum!"

"Well if it involves me, I'll merge my way in"

"No one wants you to merge your way in!!!" I growled.

"That's how it's going to be if you're talking about me. Especially if I'm right here"

I stood up, and he did to.

"What are you going to do? Hit me?" Calum scowled.

"Watch your back" I ordered.

"If I don't?"

"Then you'll have a sweet surprise..actually it's just sweet for me" I shrugged.

He softly bumped my chest and left.

I sat back down ignoring the looks.

Michael stood up and took Calum's un-eaten plate, walking away.

He came back after 10 minutes.

"Where did you go?" I questioned.

"I gave Calum his food plate. Someone has to treat him right, even if that's your job" Michael snapped.

"Mike, where is this coming from? Why are you taking his side??" I asked hurt.

"Luke! The boy wants you back! He needs you back! You're just to fucking blind to see it!" Michael growled.

"Preach!" Ashton shouted while waving a gnawed on chicken bone in the air.

"He doesn't want to be my friend anymore"

"Luke!!! You're insane!! Of course he does he told me!!" Michael educated.

"Fine! I'll go ask him" I got up.

"Go ahead. Take your plate with you" Michael ordered.

I did as Michael told me and ended up at Calum's door.

I softly knocked and it opened.

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