Chapter fucking 5

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-Luke's pov-

After me and Calum ate, Calum was feeling better.

"You alright, Cal?" I asked him.

He turned to me. "Yeah. A little bit"

"Good" I smiled.

"How are we going to get off this island, Luke?" Calum asked with tears in his eyes.

"Hey. Don't cry. We'll figure it out" I crawled over to him, and put my arm around him.

He sniffled softly and put his head on my shoulder.

I miss this. Calum and I always used to cuddle. I can't believe we let that stupid girl get in between us.

"I miss our cuddles" I whispered.

"Well if it wasn't for you, we still would have them" Calum replied coldly.

I jerked away from him. "Are you serious right now? Calum. Me and Stacy would have been together if it wasn't for your fat ass head"

"Luke. She didn't even like you. She said you were disgusting"

"Who was the one who left un-eaten pizza crust on my bed when we had sleepovers??"

"You said you didn't care! You said that you don't care because we're brothers"

"That was then. And right now..I need a reason to call you disgusting"

"Your stupid ass just said that aloud. You don't admit defeat"


"You're the punk, Lucas"

"Umm. Who was the one who was scared of watching Jeepers Creepers??" I growled.

"That was a scary movie. But you were scared of swings!!" Calum spat.

"Yeah because they attract dead children"

Calum scoffed. "Pathetic!"

"I shouldn't have swam after you."

"So what you're saying would have let me drown and die"

"Oh like you wouldn't do that"

"No. I wouldn't. I hate you but I don't hate you." Calum frowned.

"That makes no sense" I pointed out.

"It means, I don't like you but I wouldn't let you die."

"I could have easily called someone to help you"

"Call! We can call someone to save us" Calum dragged his body to his bag.

"God, you're such an idiot" I mumbled.

He tried to turn on his phone. "Fuck!"

"Water damage bitch"

"That's it!! Look! At least I'm trying to get us off this island!!"

"Your plans are dumb as shit though. Obviously your phone wouldn't work. How do you think your phone would work??"

Calum rolled his eyes. "Just leave me alone. And if a survival person comes I'm leaving you"

"One. I helped save your ass from dying, you're welcome. And two, they would save me too. They wouldn't save just you. What do you bring to the world anyway?!"



"Like umm"

"Like heartache, annoyance and stupidity?"

Calum scrunched up his nose and growled.

"Are you like a wild animal?" I taunted.

"Leave me alone! Don't talk to me!"

"Like I would want to"


I was hungry again, but it was night time. I saw a palm tree with coconuts in it.

I went to Calum who was sleeping under the tree tent we made.

"Cal" I spoke shaking him.

He was drooling and whirled in his sleep. "No! L-Luke don't, don't leave"

I smirked. He was having a dream about me.

"CALUM!!" I screamed.

"Apples!!!" He yelled.

"What the fuck??" I laughed.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly. I pulled his hands away from his eyes.

"You can't do that. Bacteria is on your hands and your eyes can get infected"

"Don't leave me, Luke. I'm sorry for talking about you yesterday. And thank you for saving me. I don't want to be left alone on this island"

I smiled. "I won't, Calum. And can you help me get the coconuts from the tree??"

He nodded while smiling.

We walked to the palm tree.

Calum stood on my shoulders and began to pluck them off.

As soon as he got enough I carried him down.

We cracked them open and drank the milk and are the good parts.

"Mmmm" Calum smiled. I giggled.

We just smiled and ate our coconuts.

Calum and I may be enemies but we still love each other regardless. No girl could ever change that.


Sorry for not updating sooner. I'll do better

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