Chapter fucking 6

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ENJOY!!!! c;


- Calum's pov-

We've been here for about a week now and it's been pretty rough. Luke and I are fighting nonstop and honestly it's really exhausting. We basically just waste all of our energy on each other. All because of fucking Stacy.


As I got out of the line, I saw my best friend patiently waiting for me at the exit. I walked over to him and we went to the lunch tables outside.

"Hey!" Luke said as we were going outside. "Hey!" I said back.

"So, what's going on with you? You seem distant latey." Luke asked with a worried look on face. I looked into his eyes and sighed. He wasn't going to let this go. Besides, how can I keep a secret from my best friend? Exactly.... I can't.

"Well... it's this girl I like." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He looked shocked, but shook it off and replaced it with a huge grin. "Oh My Goodness!! Why didn't you tell me?! I like a girl too!!!" He gleamed with happiness and I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

"Ok then, you go first Mr. Happy Pants." I smirked. He just laughed and said, "That's not even funny Calum. Besides, I want you to go first."

"Well, that's not happening because your going first." I said.

"No, you are."

"No, you are." I shot back.

"No, you are." Luke said, determined to win this.

"No, you are!" I said. Luke sighed, admitting defeat.

"Ok, how about this? On the count of 3, we both say the name of our crush. Sound good?" He asked. I thought about it. It actually made sense; we both would hear the others' crush but at the same time.

I simply nodded and said, " Who's counting down?"

"Why, me of course!" Luke smirked.

I watched as he counted down, getting ready. "Ok... here we go. One, two, three!" He screamed and at the same time we both said:



And that's when everything began to collapse.

-flashback ends-

I groaned as the rising sun gleamed in my eyes, waking me up. I sat up and saw Luke next to me with an arm on my stomach. I smiled. I miss his cuddles, even if I do hate him, he always has the best cuddles.

I sat there for a while, not moving. Just enjoying the feeling of him on me. That was, until he woke up.

He moved his head closer to me until his head was on my chest, then yawned. I thought about pretending to be asleep so the moment wouldn't end but he woke up before I could. His eyes shot open and he took the hand that wasn't on me and ran it through if hair. He looked around, probably for me, then looked down at his hand, realizing where he was. Immediately he jumped off of me as if I was a pest. He looked at me and screamed, "What are you doing?! We aren't friends and won't ever be! Stay away from me!"

I looked at him, tears forming in my eyes. I got up and went over to him. He was going to start screaming again, but I cut him off with a right hook to the jaw. He stumbled back, an expression of shock and hurt on his face.

I took one more look at him before turning around and running into the jungle, as far away from him as possible.


OK... so there ya go guys! Hope it was okay. I put a little bit more detail into what happened with them and Stacy.

I'm thinking about adding more of that in the next chapter, idrk. But, ya know comment and stuff if ya want. Do whatever. Hope ya'll enjoyed it.

Bye (:

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