Chapter fucking 4

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- Luke's pov -

We were on some sort of island. I'll have to admit, it looked pretty decent, but I could barely tell it was so dark. Calum ignored me the whole time we were looking for some sort of shelter. We've been looking for hours; the sun was slowly starting to rise.

Calum and I were walking back to the place we woke up, on the beach of the island. Calum stopped abruptly and fell down, causing me to panic. "Calum!!! Are you ok?! Are you dehydrated? Are you feeling sick?" I ran to his side and gazed into his eyes. There were tears forming but weren't daring to shed.

"What's wrong Calum?" I whispered, holding him in my arms. He just shook his head and hid in my shirt, clearly not ready to talk. "Ok Calum." I whispered in his ear. I placed my hand in his hair and pulled him closer to me with the other.

We sat there for  a few minutes in silence. Calum stopped crying and the only sound left was his sniffles.  "We should start looking for food while it's light out." Calum whispered. He lifted his head from my chest and stood up. The emptiness of his body made me sad, but I got up with him and we began to look for food.


We began to walk through the island searching for anything we could find.

I heard a crash began me.


I turned around and saw Calum on the floor with a twig stuck in his foot.

"CALUUUMMM!!" I ran to him and kneeled down to him.

"Can you carry me??" He pouted.

I tore off my shirt. I took the twig out and wrapped his leg with the torn shirt, whispering "I'm sorry" every time he whimpered from the pain. I picked his light body from the ground and began walking. I set him down once in a while to climb trees, to grab fruits. After an hour we finished.

"Well this should be enough food to last a while." I said as Caum carried a varied assortment of fruits. I walked us back to the beach and carefuly placed Calum down on the sand. He put the food on the ground and started to lay down.

"Ow..." He winced in pain. 

I layed down next to him and took my hand in his. "Don't worry Calum, I'll take care of you."

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