"James, I have to go on this mission."

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Zemo sighed as he hung up the call. Usually he didn't get to go on missions, let alone with Sam. He frowned as he realized his James was going to be home alone, no supervision, and only have Alpine. Sure, they would be home in less than a day, but Bucky could get hurt in that time, and of course Bucky wasn't allowed to go. Speaking of, Bucky was on the couch, his head in Zemo's lap. They were watching someone play through a game. It was quite strange, Zemo would say, but he was interested. Plus, Bucky seemed to love it, so he didn't mind watching it to see Bucky geek out and have little comments like "well he's the big guys kid, 'n' he has all of this cool swooshy magic! Don't even get me started on the cool tech!" Zemo would love those little comments, they showed just how much Bucky liked this stuff, and was a little technology nerd. "James, darling?" He addressed, and Bucky looked at him. "hmm?" He hummed as a response, before he sighed. "Do I have a mission?" He asked, a frown on his lips. "No, however I do-" Zemo started and he just saw Bucky's face go completely sad and worried. "Luckily, it'll only be for a day, unfortunately if we want it to go by that fast I also have to bring Samuel with me. Is that okay with you, dear?" Zemo said sadly, gently playing with Bucky's hair. "I will give you all the cuddles and kisses when I get back." Zemo added with a sad smile. Bucky frowned but nodded. "Yeah, 's fine. Only for a day, I won't die." He said softly, hugging Zemo's waist. "Though, you can still video call me, or just call whenever, okay? Only video call when I say its okay. But I'll give you some things to do." Zemo said, continuing to play with Bucky's hair. "Like what, baby?" He asked curiously, a small smile on his lips. "Just the basics, dear. Like washing your dishes, making sure you have your dirty clothes in the basket, and taking care of yourself. Feeding and petting Alpine too." He stated simply. "Don't worry, dear. I'll write it down for you, but you don't have to complete them all, don't rush yourself, okay? I want you to take care of yourself and Alpine, not harm yourself, beloved." Zemo added when he saw Bucky's face look a bit worried. Soon the two went to bed.

In the late morning, near the afternoon, Bucky rolled over to roll onto Zemo, but he wasn't there. He furrowed his brows in confusion, before rubbing his eyes and laying on his back. "Zeeemooo" He groaned out, pulling the blanket over his shoulders. He soon realized that the house was extremely quiet, and Alpine was in the room, and now curling into him. "right, he had a mission." Bucky mumbled to himself sadly, petting Alpine gently. "Hey, girl. You hungry?" He asked the white cat with a small smile. She meowed, and leaned into his hand. "I'll take that as a yes, c'mon then." He said softly, getting out of bed and taking the blanket with him. He slipped the blanket off to exchange his t-shirt for one of Zemo's turtlenecks. Luckily this one was oversized so it was a bit looser on Bucky. Somehow they fit into the same clothes, it was weird. He grabbed the blanket and placed it on his shoulders again, before leading Alpine to the kitchen. He noticed a note on the counter, a small smile on his lips. It was a note from both Zemo and Sam, and it had the 'chores' on the back. He grabbed Alpine's water and food bowls, dumping out the food, and then washing the two bowls in the sink. He used a towel to dry them, before he filled the water bowl, placing it in the designated area. He then filled the food bowl, and placed it to the right of the water bowl. He smiled proudly, and crossed that chore off. Next one was eating. This one was marked with "only as much as you can, don't make yourself sick <3" and he was actually glad for the little note, because he probably would've done that. He grabbed a bowl, filled it with lucky charms (he eats these on a daily, change my mind. sorry for the interruption!), then poured the milk in and ate it all. Suprisingly, he felt great! Usually he'd feel sick after eating a whole bowl, but he didn't. Now it was 1:25pm. He really slept in. Well, he always did, when he didn't have nightmares, of course. He then crossed that chore off, but didn't cross out the note, he left it unscathed. He then washed his bowl and spoon from the cereal, and placed them in the drying rack to dry. He then dried his hands off using a towel, and then crossed that one off aswell. Now, it was 1:38pm. Okay, maybe he had some fun with washing the dishes, give him a break.

Bucky made his way back to his and Zemo's room. He left the door open in case Alpine wanted to come in, which she did. She hopped up on the bed, and Bucky just looked around the room. He grabbed his (many), and Zemo's (few) dirty clothes and placed them in the basket. He smiled proudly, and took the basket to the laundry room. This wasn't on his chores list, but he just figured he'd give Zemo and Sam a small break once the two got back. He sorted the clothes depending on the color, whites with whites, darks with darks, and washed them respectively. He let them wash as he went to cross out the last chore he had, which was his clothes. He then went over to the closet and pulled out the first aid kit. His two idiots got themselves hurt, they always do. So, he was ready to tend to their wounds once the got back. He closed the closet door, bringing the kit to the coffee table in the living room area. Atleast he planned to tend to their wounds in a comfortable space, not a uncomfortable wooden chair. He sighed softly, and decided to go on his phone and just, well, play a game. Shuri said it was called "craft mine" or something, he can't really remember. But he did have this cool character that looked like him! There were a whole lot of blocks. Before Bucky knew it, he had fallen asleep. He was barely awake anyways, he did those chores and they tired him out, obviously.

At around 10:56 pm, Sam and Zemo returned. They weren't hurt horribly, just a small cut on Sam's leg, and only a scrape on Zemo. Surprising, for the two being together on a mission for the first time in like two months. Bucky had awoken the second they came through the door, so he was prepared. Zemo was happy to know that Bucky finished his chores, and was proud of himself for doing so. Zemo was also proud of him, since he knew Bucky struggled to do things sometimes because his mind just stops working and he KNOWS he has this thing to do, but his body doesn't let him get up and do it. The three fell asleep on the couch watching some weird game where these blobs in space killed eachother. Sometimes it was a monster, and they were voted off. "'s weird." Bucky said, and it was the last thing they all heard before the three fell asleep

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