Idea One

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A/n - Thank you to ErrorDark for giving this idea on the winterbaron server!also I'm so sorry I didn't upload this sooner, my motivation has died 😭BUT school is worse so I'm trying to write this- so hopefully it's good

Bucky stared ahead at the wall infront of him. He hated this mission, and everything to do with it. He hated Madripoor, and acting as the Winter Soldier wasn't easy, but it was at the same time. He stared at the wall, then he glanced to Zemo. "If he's really under your control, Baron, I want you to say the words, right now. Then order him to sit right on your lap." Selby said with a smirk tugging on her lips, and Sam shifted in his seat uncomfortably. Bucky knew he'd be fine, Shuri had said the words didn't work, and he trusted her, but he was still extremely nervous. Zemo sighed and stood up, waltzing over to Bucky and slid behind him. After Zemo said the sequence of trigger words, but in Bucky's ear so Selby couldn't hear, only see. Then, Bucky replied with, "Ready to comply." In Russian, but it was audible so that Selby could hear. Zemo smirked a bit, much like he would've back then, but he felt bad for the soldier. No, James, he didn't deserve this, okay? Zemo soon sat back down in his chair, before ordering Bucky to come over and sit on his lap. He did, just as ordered. Zemo furrowed his brows ever so slightly, is James okay? He looked like he's.. too far into acting as the winter soldier that he actually became the winter soldier. Maybe it was the words? Zemo noticed he fucked up big time. "Good boy, soldier." He praised, running his hand through Bucky, well, the soldiers, hair. Selby had an ugly smirk on her lips. God, Zemo hated her guts. He would rip them out sometime later for this, he would. She was always the one to.. make people do things they weren't comfortable with to get what they needed, and would twist it so she got what she wanted. "He's such a good boy, ain't he?" Selby asked, her voice sounding like when someone would talk to a puppy, or kitty. "Yes, however, he is only my obedient boy until you give me the information I need." Zemo replied, his hand still running through the soldiers hair. "Mm.. you sure know how to wipe me clean, Zemo." Selby stated before adding, "Doctor Wilfred Nagel is the man you're looking to thank or condemn, depending on what side you're on. He is working for the powerbroker to recreate the serum." Selby said softly, before continuing, "He is still in Madripoor." She finished, an evil, gross smirk on her lips. "And where is he working?" Zemo questioned, his hand sliding from the soldier's hair, down to his back. "The breadcrums you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost ya, Baron." Selby replied with a menacing look on her face. He knew exactly what she wanted, she wanted what was his. "Oh, Selby, I wish you wouldn't have said that." Zemo said with a smirk, raising his hand just as a sniper shot through the window several times, shooting Selby twice, and shooting down her men. The soldier had just stayed still in Zemo's lap, not even thinking. He wasn't supposed to focus on missions like these unless he was told to, like Karpov told him.

Timeskip to when they get to one of Zemo's safehouses

"Zemo, what did you do to Bucky? Answer me!" Sam yelled, for the thirteenth time this hour. "Samuel, like i've told you, the words weren't cleared from his mind, and when I said them, it made him revert to Hydra's programming. I will take care of James, as you clearly have no idea even where to start." Zemo said calmly, sipping his cheery blossom tea, then grabbing the other cup on the table as he placed his own down, slowly guiding the soldier to drink it. "I'm not sure how long this will last, hopefully not long, Samuel. Please know that this was not my intention to do to James, well, soldier." He added calmly, gently placing the cup down and watching as the soldier hesitantly leaned onto him, and he gently wrapped an arm around him, because he knew the soldier had a past of being denied physical affection. "Are you alright, soldier?" Zemo asked in a hushed voice, wanting to make sure the soldier was okay at all times, even if this was a part of James. He didn't care, he wantd to help the poor man, he didn't deserve any of his past with Hydra, much less be used by Steve like he was. He didn't even deserve to be hurt like he was. He did nothing but help everyone, and he got hurt for it, and got called a murderer every day, for things he did while he was being controlled. Bucky even had believed that he was the one to blame because of the high amounts of people believing it. "Soldier?" Zemo questioned when he didn't reply, concern laced in his voice. Was the soldier not listening? Not performing well? "Yes, sir?" Soldier asked, speaking in english as he was addressed in. "Are you alright? Do you have any injuries?" Zemo asked softly, gently playing with the soldier's hair, which admittedly, felt weird to the soldier, but he'd soon get used to it as time went on. "The soldier is okay, sir. Minor scratches, a few bruises, but that is all, sir." The soldier replied, almost like a robot, and Sam's face contorted in confusion, and then anger for what Hydra had done to his friend, and then forced himself to calm down, and walked over to the soldier and Zemo. "Soldier, are you hungry?" Sam asked quietly, glancing at him, sitting on the arm of a chair. "A bit, but the soldier is still funcitonal without eating. Soldier can go weeks without food and still function, sir." The soldier replied calmly, keeping his voice calm, not like he could raise his voice at a handler anyways. That would explain why he's never yelled at Zemo. Sam nodded a bit, standing up and making his way to the kitchen. He had decided to leave Bucky and Zemo together, becuase soldier seemed to be attached to him. He made a few sandwiches, eating one for himself and leaving about four others for the other two. He brought the plate into the living room and placed it on the coffee table. "For you two." He said with a small smile.

Months later, they were still with the soldier. Bucky had never returned, and it had worried both Sam and Zemo, but they decided he'd come out once he was ready. Zemo was eating his breakfast in the dining room, just as the soldier was come down the stairs sleepily, swaying back and forth a bit, his eyes half-closed and constantly closing, only to immediately open again. "Soldier, how long did you sleep?" Sam asked softly, flipping four pancakes over. "Mmm.. Jus' woke up, sir." Soldier replied, sitting down next to Zemo. "That's good, buddy." Sam replied, and Zemo agreed with a nod. "Can I have a tea, sir?" Soldier asked Zemo, smiling a bit as he got a yes in response, and Zemo finished his pancakes before going to make Soldier an earl grey tea, which had become the soldier's most favorite, cherry blossom tea falling just under. Soldier waited excitedly, bouncing in his chair with happiness. He was glad that both Zemo and Sam were nice handlers and cared for him. Soldier nommed on some of Zemo's pancakes while he was busy, and smiled happily at both the taste, and how they felt. They were so fluffy and soft. After breakfast, they had decided to go clothing shopping for them, since it had been a while since they had last done that. When they returned from shopping, they laid down, and fell asleep, messing up their sleeping schedules.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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