Which way?

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A/N - This is an AU where the heros (and sometimes the villains) hide their identities. Bucky hides his identity using the goggles & mask that he had in the mcu movies as his time being the winter soldier. Zemo hides his by the mask that was shown in TFATWS. Also, sorry for the long wait; I had to help my parents renovate their basement and we still aren't done-
Words slanted are in Russian!

The Winter Soldier had just finished shooting down three of the infamous crime lords in New York. Which one, though? The hero was unsure; they all hire lowlife thugs. The soldier stood in the middle of the warehouse, before he called out saying, "Since you want me oh so horribly," The soldier deadpanned; despite his lungs aching to be reflourished with air, desperate for breath from the fight he had just done. He soon continued with, "come and get me." He stood his ground, his hands holding his gun tightly. His metal arm was fully exposed; it helps let it move more freely. "My, my, darling; specify which way." A voice rung through the cold, empty warehouse before it spoke up again, "Both ways involve rope and you being the one tied up, but it's a clear thing that needs to be specified, dear." Once the voice finished, Bucky internally groaned. The 'Royalty', of course. He just couldn't get a break, could he? One fight to another for years, the poor guy needed a lengthy break. The 'Royalty' was the major villain and crime boss within New York, if not the entire country. All that he could find on the 'Royalty' was that the leader despised enhanced individuals, and was a master swordsman; great. "Royalty, what do you want from me?" The winter soldier yelled, his voice demanding an answer. "Now, now, dear; I feel like you know what I want, but won't admit it to yourself." The villain stated, hopping down somewhere; Bucky assumed from one of the several balconies within the warehouse. "No, I don't." The soldier lied, only because he thought of something and deemed it too inappropriate. "Darling, we know that I have this... notebook. It is quite interesting, if I may- speak some of these words? They're quite random together, though." The leader spoke, holding a notebook in his hands and opening to the first page. "Don't." The soldier said quickly, and he seemed quite panicked. "My, my, does this have something to do with you?" The leader questioned, stepping behind a shipping container. "Longing, Rusted," He started in russian, a smirk on his lips. "Furnace," He continued, and the soldier was now roaming around, making sure the safety on his gun was off. "Daybreak, Seventeen," He paused as he heard a thud, and peeked around the container. He didn't see what it was, so he continued, "Benign, Nine, Homecoming," He paused as he didn't hear a sound coming from the other, and concern buitly up. He sighed and just pushed it down, before he continiued reading off the last few words. "One, Freight car," As soon as he finished the last word, he heard something rush around the room. He pulled out his gun from under his coat and turned off the safety, holding it up and scanning his surroundings. Nothing. Until he looked down where he was met by a kneeling soldier, he had confusion on his face before he looked back at the book. He read something in his head before pronouncing it out loud, "Soldat?" He asked, his voice quiet. "Ready to comply," The soldier replied in Russian and the leader sighed quietly, before deciding to bring- his enemy, or- whatever he was now, back to his base. "Stand." He ordered, and the soldier did just that. "Hand me your gun." He also stated right after that, to which the soldier obeyed.

Soon, they went out to a sleek car that the leader had ordered one of his men to bring in. Once they had gotten in, the leader had placed all of the guns within a case, and kept the soldier's in his coat. The soldier just sat there, not moving an inch. The leader kept reading the red notebook in silence, before he looked at the soldier. "Take off your mask." He ordered, and the soldier did just that. The goggles came off seperately, but they also came off. After they were off, the soldier just held them in his hands and looked at the leader. "James?" He asked softly. He had several ideas of people who the soldier could be, but.. James Buchanan Barnes wasn't one. "Soldat." The soldier corrected, and then the leader dived back into the book for any sort of identification. "James Barnes; taken by hydra, memories taken by memory suppression device; escaped after SHIELD attack 2014." He mumbled to himself as he read into the book, before looking back at the soldier. "We're going to one of my safehouses and there we will relax, and I will research more into-- whatever this is." The leader stated, motioning at the soldier. The soldier looked confused for a moment, before he just nodded. The leader went back into reading the rest of the 'soldier's background, finding other words, that he just called 'trigger words' for now. Once the car arrived at the safehouse, the leader helped the soldier put the mask and goggles back on before leading the soldier inside. Luckily there were very few people inside the safehouse, there was only one man, that the two had met so far. "Ozenik," The leader greeted in a language that wasn't native to the soldier, before the leader removed his mask, and the soldier just stood at the front door. Luckily it had been shut, but the soldier was standing there; like an attack dog. That was how he was treated, so he was used to it. "I have missed you, sir." Ozenik replied in the same language, Sokovian, with a smile on his face. "Ozenik, thank you for making the tea in advance. I do have to request you to go through the Hydra files we still have access to, and find me all the information that you can on this red notebook." The leader stated as he handed the book to the butler. Ozenik nodded to his 'master' and walked down a long hall, going to do research. Once the leader was sure that Ozenik wouldn't be returning soon, he motioned for the soldier to come over as he sat down on the couch himself. The leader relaxed on the couch, turning on the tv. He played the news, not really paying attention to it. The leader crossed his left leg over his right, just as the soldier sat on the carpeted floor next to the leader's leg. The two just relaxed there, the soldier paying much more attention to his surroundings than the tv, and the leader just running his hands losely through the soldier's quite long, greasy hair. "Darling, do you wish to sit up here? It may be more comfortable than that carpet." The leader spoke, and the soldier looked at him. "Only if you want me to, sir." The soldier replied, and then the leader just nodded to the soldier, motioning for him to come on the couch as well. Soon, the soldier did just crawl up on the couch and snuggled into the leader's side. Eventually, the soldier drifted to sleep. At some point in time, the leader has put his hand in the soldier's hair and had been comforting him by playing with his hair. Zemo smiled to himself, patting the soldier's head. He was glad the soldier was okay, and was safe. No one would take the soldier from him, no one. Zemo leaned foreward the slightest bit to grab his cup of tea, that Ozenik had placed there sometime. He sipped the tea slowly, before he placed the cup down. Cherry blossom tea had been his wife and son's favorite tea, so the taste had became farmiliar to him. He had soon fallen asleep aswell, and held the soldier close; despite their very.. unstable fighting history.

In the morning, they both had awoken. Zemo first, since he didn't need as much sleep; but also because James obviously wasn't.. James. Soon, there was something yelled.


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