Professor AU

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A/N - This is an AU where Zemo is a philosphy professor, and he is 26 years old; Bucky is a new student there, and is 21 years old. Feel free to skip this chapter if that is not your cup of tea.

Zemo soon wrapped up his class, leaving some students pondering the answer to a question. Of course, there was no real answer, but everyone came up with their own answer to his question. He accepted each piece of paper, and smiled to himself. Surprisingly, a lot of students were dressed up. He hadn't expected them to actually go along with the idea. Soon, there was just one student left. His favorite student, he usually had James stay after because he needed help, or just didn't want to go home. "James, I understand it is costume day, but what the hell are you wearing?" The professor, Zemo, asked Bucky who was now standing in front of the Professor's desk. "It makes you look like you have a leather kink; you're twenty one, isn't that correct, James? Or do I have to update your file?" Zemo questioned, smirking a bit. "The hell is a leather kink?" Bucky mumbled, before adding, "But that is my age, why?" Bucky responded, staring at his philosiphy professor. "A-and this is just my- ehm, costume!" Bucky added, defensively, before he folded his arms behind his back. Zemo exhaled a bit at the sight before tapping on his laptop screen. "Well, you've only been here for a week and two days; I wanted to make sure that all of your information was correct, James. One can be paranoid, sometimes it's useful, and other times the paranoia is useless." Zemo stated simply, shrugging his shoulders. "That's something to agree on." Bucky replied, a small smile on his lips. "But what's your costume?" Bucky asked, a kind smile on his lips. "Remember Sokovia? They had some high fashion, you know." Zemo replied calmly, tapping on his laptop once again. "And yours, James?" He added, a smirk tugging on his lips. "Well- I- ehm.." Bucky paused and thought of how to word it. "I'm not exactly sure, I just picked it out and decided it was good enough. I didn't expect anyone to actually- ask me about it." He stated truthfully, staring at the floor. "It is alright, James. I didn't expect people to ask me either, yours is quite interesting, though." Zemo stated, agreeing with James. "What would you like to do today? We played kahoot yesterday, which was very fun, but what would you like to do, James?" The professor questioned after a few minutes of silence. Bucky glanced at him and shrugged. "You know I don't like making decisions, Mr. Zemo." Bucky replied, emphasizing Zemo's name at the end with a smirk.

That's why they are currently standing in the closet of Zemo's classroom, the door locked as they try to figure out how well James can see in the dark. Bet you thought something else was gonna happen, didn't you? "Oh jeez- where are you--" Bucky stated, looking around. It was dark as hell, and he could NOT see at all. He flung his arms out, and then got poked in the back. "tHEre you a-" Bucky stated, before his mouth got covered with Zemo's hand, and a quiet "Shh. The Janitor, James." escaping Zemo's lips. It was an odd feeling, but for some strange, and almost c r e e p y reason, it felt good to Bucky. After around five minutes passed, even after the two minutes where the janitor clearly left the room, Zemo removed his hand. "It would've been extremely weird for a professor and well- student-ish- to be in a closet together, and after school." Zemo defended his actions, patting James' back. Bucky nodded simply, and just stared at the wall ahead. He hated how he missed the touch, it wasn't even meant to be anything besides shutting him up.

A/N - My brain just short circuits when I try to write for this plot; I can add a second 'section' to this in the future, but I will start to work on a different oneshot plot.

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