Running out of title ideas #100

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Upon the hours of the morning, the shimmering sunlight shone through the blinds and curtains of the Baron's residence. The trio & Ozenik had laid low for a few days in one of Zemo's several homes; they hadn't been tracked yet. It was a nice, relaxing few days. However, the couple had grown onto teasing Sam. At first it had started at ganging up on him and making jokes about him being a bird, but since he's had the shield, they didn't exactly know what to do. Zemo woke up first and tapped Bucky's cheek. "Dear, good morning." He whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before he got out of bed and went to take a shower. By the time he was out of the shower, Bucky was sitting up and rubbing his eyes. It usually took Bucky a long time to get up, so luckily today wasn't horribly bad. Bucky stood up and went into the bathroom, showering and freshening up. Zemo had done the same, so now he was getting dressed in soft clothing; but he was of course going to be fancy; can't ever stop him from doing that. He pulled on a purple turtleneck, and then hung the coat from Madripoor over his arm. He didn't think they had a mission today, but Bucky did enjoy hiding his face in the fur of the jacket, for some reason. It's probably soft compared to the hard things Hydra gave him, so he kept it around and on most of the time. Soon, Bucky emerged from the bathroom and just flopped on the bed. "James, dear-" Zemo started but was cut off by a muffled tired groan. "Today's a bad day, then?" He questioned in a soft tone, walking over to the bed as he pulled on the coat. On the way he grabbed some of Bucky's clothes (the oversized ones). He gently sat down next to Bucky and helped him get dressed, before just holding him and playing with his hair. "It's okay, dear. You're safe, and you will be. Forever. No one can hurt you while i'm here." Zemo whispered before he kissed Bucky's forehead, a small smile on his lips. Bucky smiled a little and glanced at Zemo. "Thank you." He murmured, crawling onto Zemo's lap and hiding his face in the fur of the coat. It was comforting, since it didn't hurt. Plus, it was just fluffy, and he liked fluffy things. Zemo wrapped his arms around Bucky's waist and they just sat there in silence, comforting one another. It had only been eight in the morning despite everything going down. Hopefully Bucky would feel better as the day goes on, but he was thinking of reasons why the soldier had suddenly unwell. They had only been back from Madripoor for a few days, possibly it was that. Acting as the winter soldier could've triggered the programming to arise. He felt upset with himself for doing it, and gently ran his hand through Bucky's hair. "You're okay, it's okay." He reassured, kissing his beloved's forehead. Bucky rubbed his eyes and was stuck in thought. "What are you thinking about, dearest?" Zemo wondered out loud, a smile on his lips. "You- don't really talk about EKO Scorpion a lot." Bucky whispered, looking at Zemo with a slight smile. "It seems like it meant a lot to you, would you mind telling me about it?" He asked in a hushed voice, and Zemo glanced at Bucky. "It's a heavy topic, not fit for today, dear. Maybe tomorrow, if you are feeling better." Zemo replied, still playing with Bucky's hair. "Your hair is nice, it's really soft and pretty once the sun hits it, James." He complimented, a smile on his lips. "Aw-" Bucky started before he poked Zemo's cheek. "Your hair is similar, but my closer to caramel than brown." He said softly, playing with Zemos hair. They spent the rest of the day cuddling, and ended up in their bed, Zemo reading a copy of the hobbit to Bucky.

A/n - I cut this one short mainly because I have an idea that I wish not to forget. I may get that chapter done and then edit this one, I'm unsure.

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