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A/n - Once again, slanted words mean they are in Russian.
"At ease, Soldier." A voice rung through his head, and a clawing was felt in his head along with severe pain. He closed his eyes and pushed the pain away; he couldn't pay to fail on this mission. What even was the mission? He couldn't remember. He released the grip on his the mans throat and let him fall to the ground. His handler hadn't wanted him to kill. Or was this even a handler? They seemed to know that he preferred Russian, and chose the exact words to calm him. It was confusing, where even was he? He didn't know, but he was led between his handler and another man. It must've been a client, he'd most likely be punished for it after the mission at hands. He followed the man up the stairs, then through a hallway. They weren't rushing, he was quite confused. Maybe this wasn't meant like that type of mission. He stayed silent and watched his handler, before glancing to the woman in the room. The handler sat in a leather chair, and the woman didn't look happy, nor did she look excited. He didn't focus on the conversation, until his handler had stood up and walked over to him, saying, "and I give you him, and the codewords to control him, of course." He spoke in accented english, which confirmed that he is a handler; atleast to some extent. His handler reached around and toyed with his chin. He was confused at the action, but kept his face blank. The soldier wasn't supposed to show his emotions on a mission, so he stayed silent. Eventually, the woman was shot down and he had to take down one of the guards, then took his gun and stood by a wall, infront of his handler, protecting him. "We have a real problem now, so- leave your weapons." His handler stated, sighing. The client put the gun down, and then he followed his handlers orders. He looked at his handler, who tilted his head at him. His handler seemed confused, but they continued on. They ran away from the area, and they sooned got shot at. His handler ran away from the two, but he kept running. Hopefully his handler would be okay. A few shots rung out as they dipped into an alleyway, and they were met with his handler, holding a gun out. He saw another figure behind his handler, so he pulled his handler behind himself and grabbed the gun from him, pointing it at the figure. "Drop it, Bucky." The voice said coldly. He kept the gun up, because he wasn't this 'Bucky'. He narrowed his eyes at her and she took a step forward, and he pulled the trigger. He shot her, right inbetween her eyes. The client and his handler froze in place, staring at the body as the woman's body dropped. His handler then took a step and took the gun from him, and just glanced at the woman's body, then at the client. The client looked back in fear and confusion. Soon after they went back to a place in hightown, his handler brought him to a room and sat him down on the bed. "James, what's wrong? Why did you shoot sharon?" His handler questioned and looked at him with concern. Had he messed up on this mission? "James, talk to me." His handler said, grabbing his chin to bring him back to present time. How long had it last been since he was frozen? "Ready to comply, sir." He stated as a response to his handler, and the handler looked back at him with a confused, horrified look on his face before he just sighed and then looked at him. "Soldier?" He questioned and got a "yes, sir?" In response. His handler sighed and looked at him, before gently holding his chin. "Do you remember anything about the mission, soldier?" His handler questioned, concern laced into his face. Soon after the soldier said no, the handler sighed and nodded. "The bathroom is right there, go freshen up. I will leave clothes on the bed for you to change into. I must discuss this matter with Sam." His handler informed and the soldier went to the bathroom and stared at the shower. He wasn't sure how to turn it on so he just stood there. Zemo eventually noticed and turned it on for him, shutting the door as he left the bathroom. He picked out a black turtleneck, grey sweatpants, a pair of socks and of course, boxers.

Zemo then went out to Sam, who was in the common room and he stood at the kitchen island. "James is unfit to continue on this mission." He stated as he turned on the tea kettle. "Why? What did you do to Bucky?" Sam asked, raising his voice a bit as he stood up from the couch. He went over to the island and stared dead at Zemo. "I did nothing, but I believe James has.. relapsed into the Winter Soldier mindset. I did not interfere with it at all, but it is quite.. different." Zemo replied calmly, pouring the hot water into the cup. He glanced at Sam who was confused and angry. "You 'didn't' interfere, but you said the same shit in Berlin, Zemo. Don't lie to me. What. Did. You. DO?" He asked sharply, standing up as he slammed his hands onto the marble counter. A few moments later the soldier came out of the room with his hair soaked and the clothes on. He was confused as to what all of the commotion was about. He walked over to the island, staying silent. "Buck, what's wrong? What'd he do to you?" The man who wasn't his handler whispered to him, sounding concerned. The soldier stared at him in confusion, before he looked at his handler. "Who is this 'Buck'?" He asked the man and watched him sigh. "You are James Bucky Barnes, but you have reverted back into the Winter Soldier programming, what would you like to be referred to as?"  His handler stated, and looked at him calmly. Maybe this wasn't a handler, he was being too sweet, and he wasn't this 'James'. He started to feel a clawing through his head and he screamed in pain, before it stopped, and his handler was now by his side, rubbing circles onto his back. "It's okay, soldier. You're okay." His handler whispered and he glanced at the client very quickly, and he looked angry, and concerned. He looked back at his handler and frowned, before he nodded. He was okay, he'd be fine, as long as that monster didn't try clawing out again. He needed to finish this mission. His handler just led him over to the couch and laid him down, his head in his handler's lap. He smiled slightly and closed his eyes, relaxing. The client, wasn't super happy. He walked over and sat on the arm chair across from the couch. He reclosed his eyes and only tensed when he felt a hand go into his hand, so he opened his eyes. His handler smiled down at him and then whispered, "It's okay, rest, soldier. I'll be here when you awake." With a small smile on his lips. Soon enough, he did fall asleep.

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