One Curtain Call

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You are my beautiful forever.
A connection so deep that even an eternity doesn't seem
long enough to spend with you. Steve Maraboli.

You are forever in my heart , no matter the distance to the time we are apart. Unknown author

Again she stupefied her co-actors , staying for only one curtain call. She dashed off the stage , leaving the applause and cheers behind her.

Elise's maid was waiting for her , trying to answer the rapid fire questions that she flung at her.

Richard should have been waiting for her backstage, but he wasn't. Where was he?
Has she checked at the front desk? Had they seen him? The answer was 'No'.

A little bird was beating its wings frantically inside her chest. Did she say the wrong things to him? Did she scare him away with her declaration of love? Did he have second thoughts?

No, that was impossible!
Why would he pursue her so vehemently, kiss her so tenderly, make her care for him so deeply just to disappear out of her life just as quickly as he entered it?

A knock on her door startled her and her heart leapt with happiness.
It's him!

Elise flew to the door and prepared to fly into his arms, but was greeted by the appearance of her manager.

Elise froze , the smile fading from her lips. Reluctantly she let him in. She couldn't hide the disappointment she felt.

The tension was thick in the room as she turned her back and proceeded to remove her gloves.
"Thank you Marie."

The maid bobbed a curtsy and left the room.

" Your performance in Act one , I must say , was somewhat eccentric." He used his best manager voice. She needed to understand he was very displeased with her , but he would never raise his voice.

She understood perfectly. She knew he was saying he didn't approve of Richard or her declaration of love for him.

This went far beyond disapproval , she knew something had happened , possibly something she couldn't imagine.

Enough with the pretense, she was done with being his pet on a leash!

"Where is he?" She hissed. " what have you done with him?"

" I've done nothing McKenna." He said calmly. " Mr. Collier has left."

Discerning his tone she knew he was lying. "What do you mean?" She had to tread carefully or Robinson would never tell her anything.

"Gone from the hotel and your life." He said this blithely, with a casual almost cheerful indifferences.

His callous tone infuriated her . " I don't believe you !" Her breath became hitched as she forced herself not to burst into tears in front of him.

Speaking in the same casual tone Robinson continued to rub the salt in her wound.

" I must admit he was a bit more charming than the others we've met."

Her eyes flew from her lap to his arrogant face. Was she hearing correctly?

" More sincere perhaps."

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