Chapter 50- Writing an article

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*Deku's POV*

Ochaco and I were both getting back from a date. We both arrived at my door and I tell her that I'll see her in a few. After taking a quick shower, Ochaco knocks on my dorm room door in a comfy looking hoodie and sweatpants.

"Hey, Ocha. You can sit on my bed, I need to do a few more things before I get in." She does as I instructed. It's a little weird, she's been really quiet since we left the restaurant... but she hasn't stopped smiling. It's cute, but a little worrying. "You, okay?" I say while nuzzling into her arms. She doesn't say anything for a while, except cuddling closer to me.

"I love you." She whispers after a while. I smile while reciprocating her words. She gets out her phone, as do I. I notice I have a text from Mirko-senpai telling me that there's another meeting for our team up. And another text from Mya asking if we could meet up tomorrow to exchange more notes. I reply to both of them, organizing to spend the morning with Mya at her house, and then travelling with Mirko to Endeavor's agency. I spend the rest of the night with Ochaco, and after she peacefully drifted off to sleep, I too went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up pretty early. Went out for some training, which consisted of running laps around the UA border, mediating while practicing my force quirk, fighting Kachan and the finally a HIIT workout in the school gym. The rest of my morning consisted of taking a shower, eating breakfast, getting changed and then preparing all of my notes on the MLA. The rest of the class wanted to go out to the mall, shopping. I was kinda bummed out that I would be missing out on another class outing, but this would be important. If we get enough information and evidence, we can bring down the whole of the MLA, and expose them for the villains they are.

"Hey, howzit?" I say as the silver haired woman opens the door,

"Yo! It's pretty good. Sorry again about this," she says while pointing to another room where a baby was crying, "I totally forgot I was looking after my baby stepsister."

"Hey, it's no problem." I reply as she lets me into her home. I walk in and she leads me into the living room. I see a whole plethora of papers laying around, with a laptop in the middle of it. There was a portable crib on the side of the coffee table, where her sister was. I offer her my finger, to which she grips fairly tightly and starts to calm down.

"You're a bit of a natural, huh? She hasn't been quite for some time now." Mya says while sitting down amongst the mess, She sighs as she readjusts her hair before saying, "Sorry about all of the mess. I have a deadline coming soon for another article."

"It's all cool. What's her name?" I ask while looking back to Mya,

"Aki," I take a few more seconds to appreciate and play with Aki before turning my attention back to Mya. I take off my bag before taking out my notebook filled with stuff on the MLA. "So, where do you wanna start?"

"I'm not too sure, d'you mind if I read your article so far, and then we can see where to go from there." She hands me her laptop and lets me read through her work while going into the kitchen to get something. I was about halfway, when she shouts from the kitchen,


"NO! I'm okay thanks." She walks back in holding an empty mug,

"You sure? It won't be any hassle or anything."

"I mean... some tea does sound pretty nice." I admit, she smiles while rushing back into the kitchen. I continue to read while moving towards Aki and reaching out my hand for her to play with. She seems to really enjoy playing with my fingers. She runs her hand over my scars as I finish the draft article. I place down the laptop and turn my full attention to the baby. I activate a little bit of One for All, glowing a little bit of green lightning. This seems to fascinate her. She jerks her body from excitement, trying to get closer to my hands. She tries reaching out for my hand. She looks so cute. And she has an adorable little smile, with the widest of eyes.

"She likes you a lot." Mya says walking in with two cups of hot tea. I turn my head to see her smiling while setting down the two mugs. "Aki hasn't been quiet since she got here this morning." She tiredly admits. She picks up her laptop while also picking up her cup of green tea. "Have you ready through it?"

There was one big problem with the article we had worked on. We had no evidence.

"The problem is that Re-Destro's got everyone in the palm of his hand." I tell the silver haired girl as she paces back and forth, rereading the article, "With the MLA, he's controlling villain society, and with his company Detnerat, he's able to control the flow of support items that the heroes receive. He has good relationships with both sides of the coin. Even if we did have evidence... people still may not believe us." I continue to cradle the baby, as she seems happy in my arms.

"You're right. Yotsubashi's a very smart man. He has good relationships with everyone. If something bad happens to him, he can fix it and receive help from either side. And I think the safety commissions wouldn't be likely to do anything even if we did find something, because he's their biggest donator. Not just in terms of money, but with materials and support items."

"We should still work on it though. Keep it on the back burner." she replies.

"I have a friend that I can ask about for more information. Maybe we can work out what their end goal is."

"You have someone on the inside?"

"Errr, not really. Someone from the league of villains is co-operating with me. Although I would have to visit them in prison." 

"Toga, right?"


"I heard about how she turned herslef in. Was that because of you?"

"I guess you can say that."

"Ahh, the modesty returns." We both chuckle a little, me from embarrasment and her laughing due to my slightly red face, before continues.

"Yeah, I don't think this'll lead anywhere for a while. We have to be patient." She looks down at her phone and realizes the time, "You should get going. Don't you have to get to Hiroshima or something."

"Yeah, I have a meeting to go to." She takes Aki from me and place her down in the cot while leading me down back to the door.

"Thanks for all of this today." She says with sincerity in her voice. She looks at me in the eyes as I slip into my shoes,

"It's no problem, and hey, if you're ever babysitting just hit me up. I'll see if I'm free." She gives me a warm smile before hugging me.

"I might just take you up on that offer."

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