Chapter 65- An evening with Mrs and Miss Uraraka

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*Deku's POV*

Sundays are normally days I use to rest. Like, literally not even move. The whole week is spent on some pretty intense training, so a day of just resting is long awaited. But today's lie in got interrupted at the sound of someone screaming. It wasn't intense or anything. More of a 'What in the fuck?' kind of scream. And I sensed the tension die down quite quickly. It was Ochaco who had screamed. And uncharacteristically, she woke up earlier than me. I quickly gather as soon as I sit up that whatever made her scream was sat on my balcony.

"What's wrong, Ocha?" I ask reply in a calming manner.

"Why. The. Fuck. Is there cheese on the balcony, Deku?"

"Oh yeah. Forgot to warn you about that."

"About what. There just being cheese spawning in your living vicinity." She says, still dumfounded at the casualness of my demeanor.

"Errmmm. Aoyama tends to leave messages on my balcony every so often."

"And he has to do it with cheese, why?"

"He says he has an excess."

"Right." She says, still trying to compute the situation. Honestly, she looks really cute when she starts thinking really hard. It makes doing pop quizes and midterms slightly harder and more distracting because I end up just looking at her... Anywho, "Why does he send you messages anyway?" She seems to have calmed down from the initial shock. What's more shocking is how she's never seen it before. But I guess I normally wake up before her and clear up whenever Aoyama sends his messages. 

"He keeps saying that we're 'the same'. In that we both have quirks that weren't made for our bodies or something like that."

"Right," she says, still wierded out by the whole ordeal. "Well, I'm gonna go take a shower and let you deal with... that..." she says while gesturing towards the message. I go to the window that led to the balcony to see the cheese on the floor of it spooled out to spell the message, 'Have a good dream, mon ami.' Hmm. I guess he left it out here last night. I didn't see it there before I went to bed though. It wouldn't surprise me if he left it while I was asleep. Although, the message is futile once I wake up, so I don't really see the point in him leaving it. After picking up the cheese from the floor, I started picking out an outfit for today's events and as I did Ochaco came back out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but just a towel around her. She was shivering.

"Well, that was quick." I say as I casullay turn around to avoid staring.

"It's cold." She said, referring to the temperature of the water. She came over to me for some warmth, and I awkwardly placed my own hands around her shoulders, sort of uncomfortable with the amount of skin I was able to feel. "What?" she playfully teases, realizing something was bothering me.

"You could... wear some clothes, y'know." She giggled before replying,

"I'm not done in the shower. Like I said, it's cold." She says, leaning in even more, getting the top of the t-shirt I was currently wearing. Finally relaxing I let the weight of my arms rest on her shoulders. "You've seen me with less clothes on. So this shouldn't be a big deal." Ochaco remarked casually.

"Well... you were a lot more drunk the last time. And to be honest I didn't exactly handle that situation greatly either." She hugged tighter. It was now her turn to be embarrassed. "I'll go see what's happening with the water. It's probably Kaminari doing something stupid and the boiler tuning off as a result." I say as I pull away from her, maintaining eye contact and kissing her forehead before leaving for the door.

*Narrator's POV*

Turns out, his hunch was correct. Kaminari was nervously and apologetically bowing to his classmates who were less than pleased he decided to practice his quirk near the store cupboard with all the electrical wires in it. Eventually the hot water and other the mains outlets were working again. The pair got ready and were finally heading off after having their breakfast. Ochaco had her hand intertwined with Deku's, she tightened her grip as she felt a cool spring breeze wash over them.

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