Chapter 64- Legacy

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*Narrator's POV*

Ochaco approached her boyfriend's room and proceeded to open it, but what she was about to walk in on was something she didn't expect to see.

"Errr, Deku?" She says in a confused tone. The greenette takes of his blindfold and turns to face his girlfriend.

"Ocha. Hey, did you need something?" he says in his usual innocent-happy tone.

"What're you doing?" the brunette questioned with a confused expression. She stares down at the two cans stacked on top of each other and a soccer ball on top of them.

"Training." He nonchalantly replies, as if the type of training he was doing was implied.

"What kind of training?" She replies

"Well, I wanted to use a hundred per cent of my power without breaking the floor I'm standing on or destroying a whole city with the air pressure. So, for the past few weeks I've been practicing trying not to break anything while using my quirk." He assumes a fighting stance and kicks as a demonstration, "If the ball falls or the cans collapse, then I failed the exercise. Essentially."

"Seems pretty intense, training again." She says, pulling him into a hug.

"Well... y'know, Saturdays are—"

"I know, reserved for training." She interrupts him hugging a little tighter. They embrace a little longer before she starts speaking again. "My mom wanted to know if you were free tomorrow to visit."

"Yeah, it should be okay. It's been quite a while since I've seen her." He says while pulling away from the hug. "What time should we head out tomorrow?"

"Around noon. She said to stay for lunch at the apartment and then go to the riverside to see the comet fly over."


"Cool, I'll let her know." She says as she pulls out her phone. Deku simultaneously pulls out his phone, as it was vibrating in his pocket.


Deku: Hello.

AllMight: Hello Young Midoriya, can you meet me at the UA gates? There's someone we need to see.

Deku: Errmm, sure. I'll be there soon. Who are we going to see?

AllMight: Gran Torino sensei. He woke up from a coma a few hours ago.


Deku quickly rushed out of the UA dorms to see AllMight waiting by his car.

"Hey, AllMight." He says as they both get into the car.

"Young Midoriya." He says with a smile. "How was your day?"

"It was pretty tiring, but the progress I'm making with my quirks is pretty encouraging."

"Right. Today is your 'intense training day' isn't it?"

"Yeah," Deku replies to his mentor as he opens his side of the car window. "My legs are aching a lot more than usual today."

"Speaking of training, you haven't had a training session with me in quite a while."

"Right, yeah. Sorry, I've just been really busy recently."

"No, no. That wasn't the point of me saying that. I've been pretty busy myself with dealing with things at the agency and sorting out classes for the new class 1a and 1b. If you haven't yet noticed, I'm still getting used to the whole teaching thing. No doubt Gran Torino will lecture me about that." The blonde man says with a cold sweat running down the side of his forehead. Just thinking about a lecture from his own mentor was daunting enough.

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