Part 7💕.

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Nyla POV.

Honestly I kinda knew because of how scared people looked when we all went out. Now it just make more sense! I couldn't do nothing but laugh.

"Whatchu laughing at?"

"You nigga. U thought I didn't know?"

He kinda had a confused look on his face.

"But how did you know?"

"I honestly just had a hunch but now I know fr! U never seen how scared people looked when u walked into a room?"

"I mean yea but I thought y'all wouldn't notice."

"I pay attention to everything. Just like I pay attention to how when your nervous you play with your ear or bite your tongue."

"How di- it's not that hard to read u bestie. You're an open book"

"Well since we reading people, I notice u play with the bands on your wrist or play with your fingers when your nervous"

I started laughing cause I know that I do that. Then he join in.

" you ready to gts now?"

"Yea. U stay the night?"

"Might as well. It's too late to be driving."

I got under the cover wit him and I was half way sleep and he pulled me back to him.

•Next Morning•

I woke up wit jay's head on my chest. I tried to get up because I had to pee but as soon as I moved he tightened his grip.

"Nooo stay!"

"Jay I gotta pee. Let go"

He huffed and finally let me go! Once I got done he was up on his phone.

"Ight I'm bout to leave!"

"See you later best! Text me when u make it home!"

He got up and hugged me and walked me out.

I got in my car and went home to take a shower. My mom was gone as usual so I was at home by myself. My phone started to ring before I got in the shower. It was my brother.

"Hey sis wyd"

"I'm bout to get in the shower I'll call u once I'm out!"


I took a 45 minute shower and got dressed. After about 35 minutes later I was finally done. So I called my brother back.

"Hey bro"

"Hey I was just calling because I got some good news to tell you and mom. Is she around?"

"No she's at work but I'll tell her later! Go ahead and tell me."

"So ummm you're kinda gonna be an auntie!"

"OMG!! D this is amazing!!! How many months is she?"

"She's 5 months"

"I should beat yo ass! U hid this for 5 MONTHS!"

" yea I'm sorry but will it make u feel better if I told u this y'all can meet her this week?🥲"

"Yea I guess that will make up for it🙄"

After we talked for a lil bit, jay text me and said we were meeting up at Ced house. He sent the addy and since I was already ready I just went ahead and left.

I made it there in like 30 minutes and everybody else was already here. I came in and spoke and sat right by jay! I put my legs on him and he pushed them right down.

I N T R O V E R T E D.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora