left turn .

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You woke up to the sound of the tv. "Ahh guys at least turn it down a bit", you said leaning forward. You turned you head to see everyone still fast asleep.

"umm so how did the tv.. whatever", you said while walking over to the bathroom. It was on the news so you decided to leave it on hopeing it would wake your friends.

"why tf is the tv so loud.", Sasha said with her hand over her forehead. She looked closer to see what was playing. "wtf ANNIE", she said while shaking the girl next to her.

"Inside voices", Mikasa said while slowing walking up. "Ugh what Sasha", Annie said with an attitude. "Ohh guys your up, today the boys come and get us", you said walking out of the bathroom.

"GUYS, the boys are on tv", Sasha said while pointing at the screen. "huhh??", everyone said while turning their attention to the screen.

*breaking news, a group of young teen caught on camera near a ally way on 45th* Suddenly a video appear showing the 4 boys and a large group of unknown man. "Hey isn't that the guy that bumped into y/n at the coffee shop.", Annie said moving closer. "Yeah but why-", you said before getting cut off by the tv.

*As you can see shots were fired leaving the 4 individuals to fire back, 2 men we're killed one was put in cortical condition for a head injury. Leading to the 4 boys only one was shot but as you see is getting carried off by his 3 friends.*

Pictures of Eren, Connie, Jean and Armin were then broadcast it on the screen. *It would seem the individual that got shot is on the fear right but never got treated at any hospital* Your eyes grew wide as the picture of Eren slightly got bigger and sized back down. *The other 3 however seem fine. Witnesses say they seen the 4 boys limping in a black Camaro and driving off*

*Thanks Ashley that's all we have on that case now for cute cats on-*, Mikasa turned off the tv in a instant. "Guys.. what did we just watch", you said looking at your friends. "This can't be real right.. beside the date said March 17th, 2016 and it's 2021 now..", Annie said in disbeliefs.

Suddenly you hear a knock on the door. "See it's them this it's probably a big misunderstanding.", you said unlocking your door. "House keeping", a lady with a cart said while making her why in the room. "wth, no no house keeping out out.", you said following behind her.

"House keeping", she said while pulling out a air freshener can. "No te pierdas, vuelve en unas horas.", Mikasa said while getting out of bed. "See can speak spanish?", Sasha whispered to Annie. "What cant Mikasa do", Annie said bluntly. "right right", Sasha said agreeing.

"House.. keeping??", the lady said once again. "Omggg", you said aggressively. The lady then proceeded to spray the room, mostly in your faces. "Heyyy.. pfft.. your spraying that in my face.", you said cover your eyes.

"Hey does anybody else feel dizzy", Annie said while laying back down. "Oh you feel it too", Sasha said while
flappy over her. "Hey what did you spra-", Mikasa tried to say before hitting the floor.

You dropped down to your knees as the lady walking over to you. Is she wearing a gas masks?, you thought to yourself. "Hey Hitch you done in there, don't forget to open a window.", a familiar voice said from the other side of the door. "Yeah one sec.", Hitch said while bending down to your level. "you can kiss Eren goodbye.. he's mine", she said while tapping your forehead with her index finger and watching you fall unconscious.

*2 hours later*

"No take these 3 in her next room", Floch said grabbing his phone. You were slightly awake but didn't want them to know that yet. "Dumbass leave y/n here she the important one", Floch said tryin to prove his point. "Why not just leave them together it's less work.", Hitch said annoyed. "Ugh bitch just do as I say", Floch said while raising his fist.

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