Sweetest Taboo

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Kim Taehyung was born into a very religious and strict family. His father was especially strict with his children and expected them to obey his words.

But he was such a sweet and caring boy since he was little, so they had no problems with him.

His older brother Namjoon was a whole different story. He was two years older than Taehyung and was extremely smart for his age. He won so many prestigious awards and his parents were very proud of him.

They expected him to go to college and become a corporate worker. And maybe start his own business one day. Though he had never encouraged their ideals for his life, he never openly defied them either.

But when he turned 13 he met another young man in school who introduced him to music. His name was Min Yoongi and Joonie was wowed by his talent. He was a magnificent lyricist, rapper and musician. After that, he was just as hooked into that life.

He kept his new love for music and rapping well hidden from his parents and even his little brother. And did a good job of it for a couple of years.

Then slowly but surely, Namjoon started to bring his new life into his home life and he started to clash with his parents. When he brought his new best friend and collaborator Yoongi to meet his family, hoping that they would support his passion. It did not go well.

When they sat down for dinner, his father was cordial at first. Despite not approving of his dress style and his dyed hair. He didn't think Joonie should hang out with someone like him. Cause people would talk and get the wrong idea.

So during dinner, his father would ask Yoongi questions about his likes and interests. Which he would reply truthfully. He was proud of his accomplishments and explained that his son Joonie was very talented, and he could become an amazing entertainer one day.

"What do you mean entertainer? Our Joonie is going to find a job in the corporate world. And with God's leadership, he will guide him to open his own business and grow to be a top CEO."

Yoongi scoffed then remained quiet. Taehyung sat quietly next to his brother and saw the vein in his father's neck start to throb. So he knew that he was trying very hard to contain his anger.

Then Namjoon decided to speak up, having already discussed a plan with Yoongi in case it all goes to shit.

"Appa, I don't want to be a corporate worker, or anything like that. I have been working with Yoongi for years now. We have composed and produced our own music. And people really like it.. and ask for more.

We... we have had an offer to sign with a record company. And they will help us put our music out."

His father stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"What?! What nonsense are you talking about? We never agreed for you to do anything of the sort!"

Then his mother spoke up, "Joonie, please think about what you're saying. The music business can be very shady and ruthless. Young boys like you are gobbled up like candy by those music type people."

"Eomma, I didn't come here to ask for permission. I am already 18 years old, and I am old enough to do it. Please trust me and know that we know what we're doing. If you and Appa would just listen to our music style, then you'll see how good we are.

We have already released demos and there were several offers for us to join them. We won't let anyone take advantage of us. We have done our homework on the contracts we're going to sign.

I just wanted to come let you know that I am signing up with them. And I would prefer to have your blessing.
But it won't stop me if you don't approve."

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