Sweetest Taboo pt. 2

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TW: (some violence and slight angst. 😔)

Tae and Jin stood outside the store away from their friends. Tae then started to apologize for running away.

"Jin, I am so sorry for leaving you like I did last night. I just panicked because, I just knew I like you.

My parents have always taught us that homosexuality is a big sin that will guarantee you a way to hell. And that people who commit sexual acts with the same sex choose to do that because they're just perverts."

"So I was right then. You do think I'm a sinner."

"I'm trying to explain why I am the way I am. I've only ever had my parents influence in my life. I used to have an older brother.."

"Used to? Did he die or something?" Jin asked.

Tae feels instant regret after realizing he spoke of his brother in past tense. As if he was really dead. And his heart broke.

He shook his head and tried to explain more clearly.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. My brother left home to start a new life in the music industry with his friend. And I haven't seen him since. We're not even allowed to say his name at home.

I miss him so much. He was the only happiness I had in my home. He never told any of us about his interests until the night he came with his music partner to announce he was signing with a record company.

And as you can imagine, my parents lost their shit and kicked him out. He told me to look for him when I decided to live life how I wanted." He ends sadly.

"Well, you say you haven't spoken to him in a long time. So I guess you're still living your life for someone else. Point is, why are you here with me then?"

Tae moved closer to and said, "I want to experience a new life.. with you. I don't have a clue what to do and I have barely dated anyone. Just a couple of girls."

Jin frowned and Tae kissed his nose.

"I'm asking for you to give me a chance. I don't know much but I know I like you very much. If you don't want to be with me, then I will understand."

Jin grabs him by his collar and brings his face closer. Then slowly starts to kiss him. And is taken by surprise when Tae pushes him against the wall as he deepens his kiss. Making Jin smile inwardly.

When Tae pulls back, he asks him, "So does that mean you forgive me? And we can try this.. between us?"

"Yes, but how are we going to date if you say you're parents are all up in your business?"

"I will figure something out. Ok?"

Jin nods and they walk back inside since lunch was over.

After that, they started going out and fell deeply in love. When they were scheduled for a date, Tae would tell his parents he was going out with a new girl he met.

And they started to encourage his outings with her. Soon he was seeing Jin almost every night.

One night they heard of a new club opening and decided to go check it out. They all dressed up and drove in two cars.

The club was being heavily promoted so it was starting to get packed pretty early. Luckily they were let in.

They walked around and headed to the bar to get a drink. As they looked around at the fancy atmosphere, Tae spotted that they had a small stage set up front.

"It looks like they're going to have live entertainment." He tells the others.

The bartender then looked at him weird and said, "The famous rappers RM and Agust D are performing tonight. You're lucky you could make it inside."

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