Chapter Twenty-Seven

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    Since Anthony and I wanted to keep up the couple act at school I had to ride with him everyday to school. Which meant waking up an extra forty-five minutes early so that could wake up, get dressed and drive the forty-five minutes to his house only to hop out of my car and into his. Some days he'll stop by Starbucks or Macdonald's for breakfast before school.
    I really longed to drink caffeine, but according to the doctor caffeine was bad for the baby so it's off my drinking list till the baby's born.
    We arrived on time to school and walked hand in hand inside. Our backpacks on our shoulders. I broke away from Anthony and started walking down the hallway towards the bulletin board.
    "Hey where are you going? Homeroom is that way." He pointed down the opposite hallway.
    "I'm going to see if the class president sign-up list is out yet!" I shouted to be heard over the conversations of the other students walking in the hallways.
    "Good luck! I'll see you in homeroom." He said as he walked down the hallway towards class.
    I couldn't run in the hallway so I quickly walked only stopping to wave to a friend. I was on a mission. Not only did I long to drink caffeine, but I longed to be class president this year. I longed for it more than the coffee, because it'll guarantee to look good on a resume and help me get into college. I stopped at the bulletin and let out a little squeal to see the sign up list with the big words SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT. Grabbing the pen that was attached to the bulletin board with a string I leaned close to sign my name on the top line. I froze as I read the name that was already taking the top line, Lexi Baez.
    This couldn't be happening. Why? Why would she do this to me? She must have over heard me talking to Anthony about it at his house. She had to know I wanted this badly and now was out to do anything she could to make sure I didn't get it. Speak of the devil there she was. I glared as I heard Lexi laugh as she rounded the corner with Lizzie in tow.
    I couldn't take it anymore, her bitchiness had to stop. "Hey!" I marched right up to her, "How could you Lexi? You knew I wanted to be class president!"
    Lexi looked at me innocently like she had no idea but I read right threw her bullshit, "Oh, Julia you really think you could win class president? I mean with the posters like from first day of school who would vote for you."
    "You made those posters and you know it!" I gritted my teeth.
    She shrugged, "Well the posters don't lie Jules." She smiled and turned to leave.
    "Look! I know what I did with Anthony hurt you, and you're pissed we're together, but this has to stop Lexi! You could have anything after school activity in this school, but class president is my thing! Seriously how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"
    She scoffed, "You think I'm doing this because I'm hurt by you and my brother? I don't care about either of you." She narrowed her eyes crossing her arms. "I'm doing this because I"m a winner and I know I can win. Besides no one's going to want a pregnant slut as president. I'll see you at the voting sessions." She laughed as Lizzie and her walked down the hallway towards class.
    I shook my head as I watched her run away. She can say whatever she wanted to try to bring me down, but I was done with it. Nothing she said could bring me down. I walked back to the bulletin and wrote my name under Lexi's before heading to class. I slipped right into my homeroom desk before the last bell rang.
    After homeroom I ran up to Anthony, "You won't believe what Lexi did this time!"
    "Uh oh, what?" He asked as we walked up to his locker.
    "She signed up for class president." I crossed my arms as he got his books out of his locker.
    Anthony made a face, "I can't picture Lexi as president."
    "Don't you see? She's only doing this to bother me because I'm running for class president!" I fumed angrily.
    "It's good to have a little bit of competition isn't it?" He asked gently.
    "Yeah I guess so, but she's so annoying! It's like no apology I have works, she's out for vengeance to hurt me as much as she can." We walked down the hallway I looped my arm through his, "I don't want to put you in this position Anthony, but will you run against Lexi and be my Vice President?"
    He laughed, "Run against my sister? We already started world war three are you sure you want a forth?"
    "No, but there's no one else I want to do this with."
    Anthony ran a hand through his thick curly hair, "That's really thoughtful of you, Jules, but with basketball, not to mentioned homework and working at the movie theater I'm swamped."
    "That's okay." I said trying not to sound disappointed, "Election day is far away I'm sure I can fine someone."
    The warning bell dinged making me jump, "I gotta run don't want to be late for speech." Standing on tiptoe I planted a kiss on his cheek and hurried down the hall.
    I slipped into the my table beside Tiffany who wore her usual black goth outfits. Today she had on black pants with black combo boots and a black shirt with a skeleton on it even though it wasn't even close to Halloween, a new black piercing was in her nose. Tiffany, Tiffany could be my Vice President! Sure she we weren't real close, but she's a sweet girl underneath and we get along at least. "Hey Tiffany, I'm running for president and I'm looking for a Vice President. Would you want to run with me?"
    "Oh my gosh! YES! Would we be able to have an official goth day? Kids will all wear black and look like goths!"
    I stared at her blankly for a moment my mind spacing on how this cheerleader could be bubbly and cheerful one school year, then the next year be goth and dark. "Umm Sure?"
    Tiffany beamed, "I heard your ex best friend Lexi is running for president with Lizzie. It's a good thing you're already doing debates against Lexi in speech class." Tiffany said just as Lexi and Troy Tiffany's debate partner walked up.
    "All right class let's get started." Mrs. Jones spoke closing the door, "Now remember your debates are coming up, I'm hoping everyone is preparing their own speech and are ready to persuade us to be on their side! Our first debates will be next week."

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