Chapter Forty-Five

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Anthony did exactly what their Lawyer said. Now all that was left to do was to wait. Wait for the results even though he knew exactly what they'll be, then wait for their court date. It was all a big waiting game.
He flicked his pencil against the Library table as he study for finals. "Sorry." He murmured as he got several stares from annoyed students. He sighed he hadn't told Jules what he had done again he keeping secrets from her. He hated keeping it a secret, especially since the last time he hadn't told her what he did she about lost it and almost killed herself. She was just so fragile right now, but it was eating him upside not letting her know what he was up to. He was doing what he thought was best even if it went against what Julia would want.
His phone rang alerting him from his thoughts. Quickly he answered, "Hello?" He asked quietly remembering that he was in a library. He gathered his books up and slid them into his backpack so he could leave.
"Hi is this Anthony Baez?" Asked a lady on the other end.
"Yep." He tucked his phone in between his ear and his shoulder as he continued packing up his calculator, pencils, papers, and lab books.
"This is Nurse Patricia from Arnet Hospital, how are you doing?"
Small talk, just get to the point he thought, "I'm good, and you?" He said.
"I'm doing well thank you, I'm calling with the results from your DNA test." She paused no doubt trying to figured out the best way to say it, "I'm sorry to say you're not the father."
Anthony nodded his head as he pushed open the library door for a moment he felt sorry for the nurse who had to tell him, that had to be the worse job in the world to tell someone they're not the father. How many times had she called and had to tell the father that he wasn't the father? How many times had she had someone yell, curse her out, or break down crying?
"Sir, are you still there? I'm real sorry, we'll send you the results of the DNA Test. You should receive it in two or three business days." He could hear her voice cracking on the other end. Great now he was the biggest jerk ever. He felt bad for putting her through something when he already knew the answer for the test. He just had to have it on a legal document paper.
"Yes, sorry, and Patricia please don't feel bad. I just had a feeling she wasn't mine own, thank you for telling me."
"Wow, Sir you're the first person to not get mad about this." Nurse Patricia said lost for words.
He smiled, "Have a great day Patricia."
"Thank you, you too." He hung up and stuffed his phone in his pocket as he walked to his next class. One waiting down, now just one more.


Studying for SATS and finals was nearly impossible with anticipating how our court date would go. Every time I sat down to study while Aria napped my brain would rapid fire on all the horrible things that could happen on our court date. The Judge could give Sal and Christy custody over Aria, I'll have to give my baby away, they could take Aria away and put her in the Foster system, what if they arrest me or Anthony for being unfit parents?!
The court date couldn't come soon enough. I dressed Aria that morning in a cute watermelon onesie that was pink with black seeds everywhere with little green ruffles on the sleeves. I slid a pink bow on her head before getting ready myself. Lexi and I had gone shopping and bought a nice black dress skirt that stopped at the knees and maroon shirt that had little ruffles in the front for me to wear along with black pointed heels. Placing my hand on my hip I turned several times in front of Anthony's long mirror putting on my best mature facial expression.
As I headed downstairs Anthony met me at the landing. He was wearing his black suit that he wore to Prom with a red tie that he had recently purchased. He glanced at me from head to toe and gave a low whistle, "Babe, you look sexy in that outfit."
"Ugh, that's not the look I was going for, but thanks." I said giving him a quick kiss before walking pass him into the kitchen. I poured myself a thermos of coffee.
He leaned in the doorway watching me, "Okay if not sexy, then what look were you going for?"
"I wanted mature, ready to be a young mom look, not I'm sexy and ready to lure boys with my look and party."
He chuckled at my description and I tried to hold back my laugh as well, "It's not funny!" 
Walking over he grabbed my waist and pulled me close, "It kinda is." He smirked leaning in for a kiss. We kiss tenderly holding onto each other with everything we have. Finally he pulled away rubbing his lips together as if to savor the taste of mine. "Mom and Lexi said that they'll bring Aria with them to the court house once it's closer for our case to start."
I nodded my head, Tony had told us that we needed to be there.  Forty five minutes prior to our actual time our case is held in court so that we could go over our files and make sure we have everything. "What if things don't go the way we want them to Anthony?" I asked my hands resting on his chest.
He smiled always so assuringly, "Don't worry everything is going to be fine." He kissed my forehead gently before taking my hand in his and walking with me to the car.
I twisted my hands together nervously as we drove through town to the court house. I stared up at the huge white marble court house with it's tall marble pillars surrounding the front entrance. The United States flag waved and flapped in the wind from on top of the building. My heart tightened in my chest and I felt like the air was getting sucked out of my lungs as we walked closer and closer to the court house. It was going to go terrible, they were going to take Aria away from me. I'll never see her again. I froze in my tracks gasping for breath  as I place my hands to my heart feeling an anxiety attack coming on.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Anthony recognized the signed that I was having a panic attack. Reacting quickly he grabbed my shoulders and held me against him so I wouldn't collapse to the concrete side walk. He pulled a water bottle out of my bag and opening the cap handed it to me.
I'm causing a scene I thought as I gasped for air, hoping that the Perez family and their lawyer didn't see me. After all a mother having break down out in public surely wasn't a good sign as a fit mother either. "I...I can't do this." I said between breaths of air leaning into Anthony. "I can't be in the same room as him, I can't see his face, I can't hear his voice or have him look at me with those dark eyes of his... I... I just can't!"

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