Chapter Forty

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Anthony wasn't sure when he finally fell asleep in the hospital waiting room, or for how long he was asleep. Sometime that morning though he was gently tapped on the shoulder.
He groaned and stirred before opening his eyes to see Doctor Malfry in his green hospital scrubs. Anthony quickly stood up and faced the doctor, "How's Julia? Is she okay? What about the baby?" He staggered backwards his eyes widening a bit, "Did she... Did she..."
Doctor Malfry held his hands up, "Calm down son, Julia is fine, we got her blood pressure under control and the blood transfusion worked. She's up in room 208 asleep, she's probably going to be tired for a couple of days. Your baby girl is good too, the nurses have her in the baby nursery till Julia wakes up and is stable enough to have the baby moved to her hospital room. You can go see both of them whenever you're ready, I just want to advise you to let Julia sleep as much as possible, having a baby and losing that much blood was hard on her, and she needs all the rest she can."
Tears of relief welled in Anthony's brown eyes, He threw his arms around Doctor Malfry and gave him a big bear hug catching the older doctor off guard. "Thank you doc." Anthony whispered.
Doctor Malfry patted Anthony's back, "You're welcome, she's going to be just fine. She's a fighter you know that?" He smiled encouraging.
Anthony chuckled, "Yeah... She sure is."
Anthony took the elevator up to the second floor. He walked down the clean hospital hallways, pass a nurses station, and down another hallway till he found room 208. Slowly he opened the door to Julia's room. A bathroom was off to the side, and in the center of the room stood the hospital bed with it's clean white linen sheets and blankets. Julia laid fast sleep her breath coming in slow and steady. An IV line ran from a vein in her hand up to a bag on a metal hook beside her bed. A heart monitor kept track of her heart beats. A simple plastic chair was beside her bed, and below the window was a maroon leather couch. A tv hung on the wall facing the bed and below the tv was a counter and sink for washing hands.
He took a seat in the chair beside Julia. He watched her sleep her breaths coming in a steady pattern. She looked so beautiful, her head tilted to the side and her blond hair spilling out over the white pillow. She looked like an angel. He looked at the heart beat monitor that ran across the screen. He sniffed as he looked back down at Julia's sleeping form, "I thought I lost you Jules." He choked. Carefully he took her limp hand and pressed it to his lips giving her a soft kiss as he cried.
He stayed with Julia for awhile, he called her parents and his mom letting them know what happened. Then he left Julia to continue sleeping as he searched for the baby nursery which the nurses at the station said it was on the same floor. He found a large window where inside he could see several plastic see through cribs, some were empty, but several held little babies both boys and girls. Some were sleeping while others cried or looked around curiously. He searched the name tags on the cribs that held the babies names. He realized Jules and him hadn't even talked about names, but why would they when the baby is technically hers so he didn't have a say in the name really. He stopped as he saw a bassinet with the name 'Baby Baez' with all the craziness of arriving at the hospital he vaguely remembered signing Julia into the hospital using his name.
Anthony smiled at the petite baby girl that laid in the bassinet. She had Julia's light skin and defiantly had her nose. Her eyes were a dark brown and what little fine hair she had was jet black.
A nurse wearing pink scrubs and carrying a clip board walked around inside the nursery. She looked up through the window and saw Anthony. She waved and directed him over to the door. She met him at the door, "Are you one of the fathers?"
"Yes my girlfriend had a girl, baby Baez." He said giving the nurse his last name.
Her face brightened, "Aww she's a sweet one. Would you like to come in and hold her?"
"Yeah, that'll be great." Anthony followed the young nurse into the baby nursery which smelled of baby power along with the clean hospital smell. The babies' bassinet aligned in a straight row in front of the large window. Towards the back of the room was counter space for changing diapers and weighing the babies. Cupboards hung over counters filled with diapers, blankets, clothes, etc for the babies. A couple rocking chairs with green paddings were in a corner.
The nurse gently picked up Julia's baby. Anthony's heart thudded. "You can sit in one of the rocking chairs." The nurse said as she handed Anthony the tiny baby.
Anthony stared down at Julia's baby, up close she looked even cuter. Her tiny little hands lifted up to her face as she closed her eyes. She had long eyelashes for a baby, and she looked so peaceful sleeping in his arms. Anthony stayed for a while holding the baby, he never wanted to let her go.
He knew he had to get back to Julia and see how she was doing. Slowly he gave the baby back to the kind nurse and made his way back to Julia's hospital room. She still laid like sleeping beauty sleeping as soundly as the babies in the nursery. He sat down in the chair beside her bed, feeling exhausted the sun had rose letting him know it was already some time the next day. He looked over at Julia feeling overwhelmed with emotions. He was so scared when she went into shock after delivering the baby, he sniffed picking up her limped hand in his own he pressed her fingers to his lips. "I thought I had lost you Jules." He whispered as he finally let all his emotions out. He cried softly as he held her hand in his.

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