Chapter Thirty-Three

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The next couple of weeks that went by should have been the worst  weeks of my life. I mean my boyfriend and I had broken up, err I mean my friend and I had gotten in a fight and ended our fake relationship. Maybe that was it, maybe that's why it didn't hurt has much because Anthony and I weren't in a real relationship. There wasn't all of the broken heart stuff to piece back together.
To be honest it was a lot less stressful not being with Anthony. I didn't have to keep up with the fake relationship story to the 'T' so that nobody would find out the truth about my pregnancy. I didn't have to wake up for school super early to catch a ride with Anthony because God forbids anyone who are  truly in a relationship rides to school separate. Nor did I have to wait around after school and watch his basketball practices and games like some buckle bunny at the rodeo. Life was good.
"Did you hear about the basketball game the other night? Our boys totally kicked the other teams' butts!" Tiffany said during lunch in the cafeteria. I wasn't paying much attention though. My eyes drifted over to Anthony's table with his friends. He was laughing probably at something Eugene said as he ate his school pizza.
Okay so life was good, but I missed Anthony. Like a lot, although our relationship was fake the whole lovey dovey boyfriend/girlfriend, our friendship wasn't. Anthony was my friend, one of my closest friends and having an argument with him was like breaking up with him. I missed talking to him, our daily texts and hang outs, I missed walking down the halls at school with him. I even missed our fake relationship and pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend, it was fun. Sometimes it seemed like it was actually real, that we weren't faking, but that was just me mistaking fantasy for reality.....
"Hello? Earth to Julia?" Jennifer said breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Uhh? Oh yeah, the game I didn't see it." I said tracing my metal fork through my salad and plucking at a cherry tomato.
"You and Anthony really broke up then?" Tiffany asked.
Jennifer bumped her elbow and shook her head.
"No it's okay." I spoke up turning my attention on my friends, "Yeah we did." I said clearing my throat.
"How are you managing?" Jennifer asked softly.
I shrugged but then looked at their interested eyes. Come on Julia, this is Anthony you're supposed boyfriend who broke up with you. Geez now I'm suppose to fake feeling heartbroken and devastated when would my scam end? "Umm I guess I don't know how I'm doing." I said looking down at my plate I took some fake deep breaths, "I guess I'm just numb inside,  I thought he was my everything and now I'm suppose to live without him." I turned to look over the cafeteria at him biting my lip, wow that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
The school bell rang signaling lunch period was over. I turned back to my friends, "Wish me luck I have biology with Anthony."  The one class I now hated. Anthony and I were miserable as partners in biology since our fight.
"Good luck! Maybe you guys will get back together? Lots of couples break up and get back together, hang in there girl." Tiffany said with an encouraging smile.
I nodded yeah I thought to myself, how can we get back together when we weren't really together in the first place? I slowly made my way down the halls to biology by myself.
Anthony was already in Mr. Gortz Biology class. Afternoon sunlight poured in the window casting a halo over Anthony's hair making him look as handsome as ever. He looked down at the dissecting tools as I approached him. Sliding my backpack off my shoulders I scooted my chair out so there was room for me to sit down without my baby bump bumping the counter. I casted a look over at him but he was looking out the window. I didn't understand what his big deal was he was acting completely immature! Sure I went behind his back and talked with Coach when he didn't want me too, but couldn't he see I did it for him? Because I knew how important basketball was to him? At least he's back on the team now because of me and he wasn't even thankful about it.
I glanced down at the silver dissecting tools that were all aligned on the silver tray. A flash back of biology class with Anthony came to my memory. I smiled remembering how Anthony had picked up the tool and told me we were partners in life and in bio and called me Mrs. Baez and asked me what tool I would want to use to carve into my husband. He was so humorous. Anthony still hadn't made eye contacted with me so I glanced up at Mr. Gortz who was behind his desk sorting through papers. With a smile I picked up a dissecting tool off the silver plate that had a knife that was slanted on the side. I held it over to Anthony till he looked at it. "This would be the tool I would use to carve into my husband." I said with a joke.
Anthony smiled obviously remembering the day as well. Then his face became blank and he sighed and turned to open his biology book.
My smile faded as well and I laid the knife back down on the tray. Propping my left elbow up to rest my head on I turned so I wouldn't have to look at him. I closed my eyes a let a single tear fall onto the counter. Didn't he see how much we both were suffering from not talking to each other? So what if we're fake 'broken up', we were friends. Couldn't we get back to just that?

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