Chapter 28 (1/2)

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I raced through the woods as fast as my throbbing head would allow. All the things Lewis had said were an echo behind the looming threat I ran towards. The events of that night, and that morning had blended together and I hardly acknowledged them anymore. The visions of myself. The pills wearing off. The Dragon Warrior that was just like me.

What did it matter anymore? Lewis didn't have an answer to save us, and all he did have were fantasies of a 'Masterpiece' that didn't exist and that meant the Renagade would fall.

The only thing that stuck in my mind, was the fact that Lewis still believed I had the power to save everything.


Was he just that foolish?

Or was I the fool for not even wanting to believe in him?

My thoughts went back to the night before. No matter whether it had been a dream or not - the questions posed I still could not answer.

Who was that person? Were they even real? What had I felt?

Why did I fear it?

The trees around me cleared out completely and the open ground ahead of me spread out. I had left Lewis's cot early in the morning, and it was already high noon. It would take me at least another hour, or more, to make it back to the caverns.

I stopped at the edge of the savanna and took a breath. The air was sticky near the woods, but out in that open expanse, I knew the air was much drier. As a Dragon Warrior I had new abilities but it would still be hard to make it back across at midday.

But if I flew, I would be there in minutes. Could I transform? I couldn't last night - and I had blamed it on the pills wearing off, but now they were completely gone. So what would happen?

My eyes drifted to the ground and my thoughts drained from me.

Why would I be afraid of the fantasy I had crafted each night as a child coming true? Wasn't that what I had always wanted? Wasnt that my ultimate dream? 

My eyes rose back to the horizon and settled on the dim shapes of the rocky cliffs that formed the Caverns, their shapes dulled by the haze. My feet, without a command in mind, stepped out into the bright sunlight and I strode forward. I could feel the beams of light searing into my shoulders, but I ignored it and instead, focused inward. To that feeling, to that memory.

What was I so afraid of?

The fantasy that filled my thoughts took flight, and as the feeling that seeped from it consumed me, I pondered for a moment, why I had waited until that moment to set my dreams free.

I felt the transformation this time. It was like every other time had gone through a filter - a filter of drugs. It had blocked out all the sensations, the feelings, even the pain.

I felt every bone that cracked, and expanded, into place. I felt the ripping and stretching of my skin into hide, and how it hardened then into scales. And the claws and horns that formed out of my bone and nails. I felt every bit of my body, in a way that was completely new. But it was my eyes that I noticed the most.

They remained open throughout the entire experience, and as my body changed so too, did they. But as I stood there, frozen in place for only a mere few seconds, my eyes locked on the sight ahead of me, I was captivated by how it changed. The bright colors of the sun, that turned most of the surroundings into a darker shade of white, became saturated and darkened. I could see every detail so clearly, it was as if I were feeling with my eyes.

Once the transformation was done, I noticed it wasn't just the process that had become more clear. I felt every part of my body. My strong muscles, stiff scales, the weight of my small horns and the pressure of the long claws that pressed into the ground. But my favorite, was the wings perched atop my back. I spread them with awe, and it was then I realized one last thing. I was fully conscious of myself in that form. There was no 'alternate personality', anymore.

So who had that been?

I pushed the questions away and set my sights back on the colony in front of me.

They needed me. They needed someone, anyone. No matter what happened, the Dragon Warriors were all they had. And I was one of them.

I lept into the air and sped towards the colony, my heart pounded, but inside, I was calm. My thoughts had run their race and now there was nothing left. We would either win or lose. What power did I have over that, other than trying my best to protect those who cannot protect themselves?


After only five minutes of flying the colony was in sight, but I saw the Warriors in the sky long before then. They flew with such erratic flight I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want to give myself the chance to think long about it. I knew I would figure it out soon enough.

I raced towards the rocks ahead of me and once I was close enough I scanned the rocks below for any familiar forms who could give me answers. But there was only one I really wanted to find.

My sharp gaze swept from dragon to dragon until my eyes caught a glimpse of shimmering scales against the dark mass of all the forms who passed below. I took a sharp dive to reach him before I lost sight again and I came crashing to the ground, almost hitting two different dragons as they raced by me in a craze.

"Look out!" Omega shouted as I tumbled next to him.

"I know now isn't the best time but that doesn't mean you have to crash into me!" He went on with an unusual snarl.

I wanted to take a moment to think about his odd behavior but I chalked it up to stress and moved on to what was bothering me.

"Omega, what is going on?" I demanded.

"A lot. Where have you been all night? You missed rollcall and if there wasn't a battle approaching the Order would be reprimanding you for missing it right now." He replied. I could feel the strain in his tone.

"I..." I began, but I quickly realized I needed to be honest with him if I was going to get anywhere. "I went to find Lewis." I finally said.

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