Chapter 14 (1/2)

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"Alright, go," a short blond woman told me. Her intense gaze was hidden behind a large pair of glasses and she was hunched over a clipboard and paper, pencil in hand.

I stood in a room so large the people who walked along the far walls seemed like ants. I wondered how the ceiling stayed up there so high with no pillars between. The space was mostly empty, save for some strange looking instruments by the far walls, but not a single surface was made of rock. It was all a light gray metal. The lighting was so intense it seemed like I was outside, yet I couldn't even figure out where it was coming from.

In the far left corner, there was a large opening that lead to the outside. I knew this, only because of the rocks that could be seen next to the opening, and the blue sky that filled the rest of the space.

After Fred took me to the infirmary a few days ago, Clare had come to see me. The nurses wouldn't let her touch me, but her words were enough to cause damage to my nerves. She'd told me that, like all first Dragon Warriors, I needed to be evaluated so they could both see the extent of my abilities, and judge my power. I didn't know what to expect.

It took only a few short days for my leg to completely heal. Another added bonus of being a Dragon Warrior, was faster healing. After that, I was left in Clare's hands.

I glanced around at Jason and Clare who stood on either side of me and rubbed my arm. I would never be able to do it with them watching me. Not to mention the line of five Dragon Warriors who stood behind me, as a safety net for if I did change and couldn't control the form.

"Jaya, I know you're nervous but we really need you to focus right now," Jason told me from next to Clare.

My lip trembled and I looked down at my feet.

I had to jump off a cliff to do it the first time! What did they expect me to do now?! The frantically thought to myself.

"Argh, I should have known this was a waste of time." Clare stomped away and returned to a desk and computer station a few paces away.

"Um, maybe she needs motivation?" Jason turned on his heels to watch Clare storm off.

Clare whipped around and snapped her fingers.

"That's it!" She exclaimed. "You there, lackey, come here." Clare pointed to one of the Warriors that stood behind me.

"His name is Ren..." Jason mumbled to Clare.

My heart sank as I figured out what they were about to do.

"Right, Ren, I want you to attack her." Clare threw her hand in my direction.

"Sir?" Ren questioned glancing between us. The man was mid-twenties, with short black hair and mixed Asian features. He wore the usual black uniform of a Dragon Warrior but he had the rank of a seasoned Warrior, A Sergeant at least.

"Well go on then!" Clare threw her arms at him.

Ren stepped away from her and turned to look at me with a mixed expression.

"Sorry, kid," he mumbled before his face contorted and his neck grew. Pink skin became a pale green and scales erupted throughout his body. His spine lengthened into a long tail and wings sprouted. The whole process took about three minutes. He stood low to the ground but he was still six times larger than me in that form.

I scampered back as he waved his head to look around and regain his bearings.

"Don't let her think you'll be easy on her, make her bleed if you have to!" Clare called out loudly for the dragons hard of hearing ears.

Thanks, Clare. You're such an angel. I thought to myself and pressed my lips together.

Ren had one eye locked on Clare as she spoke and one on me as I backed away from him. He snorted and then, like a snake with legs, slithered after me with maw wide and a speed that made me yelp in shock.

I turned tail and ran but his muzzle slammed into my back and I went flying across the ground. I landed hard on my stomach and slid across the smooth cement floor with a jarring ease.

I shook my head to clear it and then thought back to the feeling. The power that surged after, and the sensation of release.

Nothing happened.

It had to work again!

A claw wrapped around my torso and pulled me into the shadow of the beast behind me. I craned my neck around and saw the dragons glistening red eyes.

How was I supposed to focus on transforming if I was constantly being attacked?!

Fear and adrenaline pulsed through me and I scrambled against his hold but I was like a fly to him. He tightened his grip and then lifted me off the ground, threw his wrist back and let go.

Halfway between the ceiling and the floor, which was quite high off the ground, I paused and my upwards speed stopped and was replaced by a downwards fall.

A drop like that would've killed me.

I tucked my limbs in as close to me as I could, shut my eyes and imagined the form I needed to take.

All I needed was a moment. A single moment of peace.

The air rushed around me and then I relaxed. Despite death rushing towards me, I loved the freedom of the air. Nothing touched me, held me back, or confined me. It was just emptiness, as far as my senses could tell.

I didn't know what caused it that time, but wings sprouted on my back and the rest of my form followed seconds later. I slammed onto the ground, bounced to my feet and raised my scaly white head to glare at Ren but I knew he was just following orders.

"That was wonderful!" I heard someone screech out behind me. I turned my head and saw Clare running towards me, arms waving in the air.

Oh, so now she was happy?

I narrowed my eyes, my fangs flashed, and she stopped underneath my head.

"I've never seen a transformation like that... Tell me, how do you feel? Tired? Powerful? Do you understand me?" She rambled on, her voice like the squeak of a mouse.

I snorted and tucked my forelegs underneath me and laid down, ignoring her completely.

"Jason, make her react!" Clare waved at him as he walked over.

"Why me? Ren is the dragon here!" Jason responded.

Clare whipped around and repeated her commands to Ren.

"Jaya, would you please just make the woman shut up already?" Ren told me in my mind.

My eyes widened and I watched both Clare and Jason.

They hadn't heard Ren. I noticed the other still human Warriors behind me had looked down at their feet or away the moment Ren had spoken. They had all heard him.



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