Chapter 19 (3/3)

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The highest building right in front of me, I saw the dragons that were perched there still watched us with intent focus. Yet I no longer heard them trying to communicate. I guess they gave up.

I left the peak of that building far behind and continued up in the air until my wings burned and the air seemed thinner. With so little time in the form of a dragon, I had hardly any stamina and the annoyance I felt at it only grew as my energy faded.

High enough in the air, I paused to glide and glanced down at Omega. Only a few wing beats below me, he quickly caught up but with our game over my mind was left to ponder the questions in my head.

What made him so different? There were other black Dragon Warrirors. There were others who displayed far better flight skills. Yet I knew what I knew without any visuals. I felt it, not just because it seemed obvious, but because it felt familiar.

He was powerful. More powerful than any other dragon there. Just like me.

"Why do you act like you're so weak and unaware in the sky?" I asked when he'd finally met me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. They call me Omega for a reason, you know," he replied, his head glancing around. "Clearly you haven't heard it, but the commander has been screaming at the both of us for the past five minutes straight," Omega went on.

"I know what I see, and feel, from you. What I don't know is why you act about it," I replied, ignoring his comment.

Omega glanced back at me for a moment, his eyes narrowed, and I felt like there was a book of words he wanted to say, but then I heard a new voice yelling out at us.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" Aaron's voice in my head, it was like a knife came from my ears and went into my heart. A group of dragons flew towards us from the mass of dragons below, and at the head of that group I saw Aaron's pale green dragon form.

"Is this some kind of a game for you?" Aaron cried out and rose up to where I was gliding. He completely ignored Omega, who remained silent and stiff a few wingbeats below me.

"I don't care if this is your first day here, you could have both died with a stunt like that!" Aaron went on, with a snarl.

"So what, now you care? Now I exist? You can't control me," I snarled in return, and fire exploded in me. As a dragon, it was so much easier to get angry and to act on it.

Aarons's eyes flickered and I felt him recoil from my words. Before another word could be said, Drew from his group rose up to our level and flared his wings between us.

"That's enough messing around, the commander wants us all to land," Drew ordered.

With nothing but a sharp glance, Aaron turned away and headed for the building below us. Tony and the other dragon leaders were watching us still.

The gathering of dragons below had almost all eyes on us as we glided down to them. When I looked to the storm of dragons below I noticed their flight had calmed down more than before, and only a few of the commanders had their attention on the groups.

Aaron was first to land, and then Omega, and I settled down nearby. Drew came up behind us. The rest of their group disappeared below the building.

Tony, in his pale grey-brown dragon form, stepped up to us, with Luke and another dragon directly behind him. He was silent for a moment, his eyes scanning over us, but then he turned his head over to Drew.

"Thank you for bringing them down. Return to your group," Tony ordered and glanced between Aaron and Drew.

Drew left without hesitation and shoved himself over the edge of the building, but Aaron remained. I felt his eyes sear into my back, and I glanced around but then he looked away. He followed Drew without a word.

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