Chapter 4 (2/3)

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"Jaya!" A rough hand grabbed my shoulder and I leaped back from it with a start. I whipped around and saw a hooded figure cloaked in a filthy brown cloth.

I held back the yelp that had formed.

"Lew-" I began but he slapped my mouth shut and grabbed both my shoulders.

"Do you truly desire revenge?" Lewis asked me, his green eyes so intense that they stared into my soul so deeply I could not look away.

I nodded slowly.

"Enough to throw everything of value, even morals, away?" He pushed harder, his grip tightened.

I bit back the pain and continued to watch at him.

What was he asking me?

My chest tightened and I nodded again my expression more firm.

He shook his head in reply and pulled me from the crowd.

"Where are we going?" I called out as we pushed through the people gathered around us. He ignored the question and once the people cleared from our way we began to run.

I wanted to call out to him but there was a reason he didn't want me to say his name.

He was hiding and not just from the people. What had he done? Or was about to do?

Lewis ran down the path and we passed my sleeping cave. Then he turned sharply and stopped at the far wall of the cavern. He bent down by a large boulder and dug frantically.

"Help me!" He called out.

I jumped to action and dug. The dirt was dry and sandy. Loose. Too loose. After only a few moments the ground gave way and a hole opened up below us.

Without even pausing Lewis went headfirst into it.

"Lew-" I slapped my own mouth and watched in horror.

I glanced behind me but there were few people around and they were all looking towards the announcement ledge.

"Jaya!" Lewis held out a hand and I grabbed it.

He yanked me through the hole and I fell down onto my back. I looked around and saw a small tunnel that disappeared into darkness in front of me.

What was this?

Lewis pulled out something long and black from his coat and he bumped it on his leg a few times. A beam of white light blinked to life in front of it and I jumped back.

"What is that?" I shrieked.

"A lamp, from the old world." He called over his shoulder and made his way down the tunnel without waiting for my reply. He was bent over from the height of the tunnel and walked at a brisk pace.

"It only works in the deepest part of these caverns, like the rest of technology." Lewis continued from ahead of me, his voice echoing back.

What was he talking about?

I scrambled to my feet and followed after him, only bend over half as much as Lewis. I was easily able to catch up.

My eyes scanned the walls and floor as we walked and noticed lines and small holes. This tunnel had been made, by man.

"Where are we going, Lewis?" I cried out, finally able to speak his name.

When he finally spoke, his voice was hoarse.

"Jaya, do you remember the dream I told you about?" He asked.

"Of course, we were talk-" I began but he cut me off.

"Well, I may have realized how to make it come true." He continued. "And your dream as well."

I stopped walking and after a few steps, he turned around.

"We don't have time for this Jaya!" He cried out and pointed the bright lamp at me. I shied away from the light and blocked it with my arm.

"Lewis, what are you going to do?" I asked from behind my arm.

He was silent for a moment.

"I am going to change the war." He finally said. He walked towards me and grabbed my arm and pulled me forward.

I was alarmed by the jolt of movement and I watched him with a nervous eye.

"You already did that!" I protested while walking.

"Not enough." His voice firm.

"What do you plan to do? Why are you running?" I pushed more.

We stepped out into a larger tunnel and were able to stand straight again, my back stiff. Lewis broke into a run down the left tunnel and I followed after. His steps were light on the floor and we made little sound as we went.

Then he finally decided to speak.

"Jaya, I can't hope to explain enough for you to understand right this moment, so please trust me." He said over his shoulder. "But you will see soon enough."

I struggled to keep my mouth shut but I ran with him. I did trust him, with my life. He was the reason I was still alive, after all.

The floor beneath us became wet and soon enough we were splashing through puddles. I looked down at my feet as we ran and something about it seemed familiar.

Were we where I thought we were?

Lewis slowed down in front of a lit doorway and when he entered, I realized where he had taken me.

I stood in the doorway and looked inside to the Machine.

The Magic Maker. The original creator of the Dragon Warriors.


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