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(Wandas POV)

Its been 2 years since Nat, Carol and I got married and Tony made something that was able to get me pregnant with twins, and yes there Natashas and Carols  

All of the Avengers were eating at the table and we were joking about stuff and laughing 

Tony and Natasha had just came back from a mission and greeted us.

"Hey guys hows my kid?" Tony said

"Well from babysitting her I now have a second thoughts about kids" Carol said as Thor nodded and agreed with her

"Shes great we fed her and played with her and read her a bed time store" Peter said as we all chuckled

"hows my girl" Natasha said walking up to me and giving me a kiss on the head

"good they've both been kicking me every 20 minutes" I replied

"They really are my kids" Natasha said as we all chuckled

"Yeah i-" I cut myself off with a shock face and everyone looked confused

"Wanda whats wrong..." Carol said

"Wand-" nat said and i cut her off

"My water just broke" as everyone got into shock I felt them coming and I screamed in pain

Natasha picked me up rushed me to the emergency room downstairs and the rest followed

"Morgan go to your and wait for me there" Tony said to his daughter but she didn't listen she was already ahead of me and Natasha and she opened the door to the room

"Okay Wanda your gonna need to push" Bruce said as I pushed and screamed

"Come on wanda" Carol said as Nat held my hand

"Agh I cant!" I yelled out 

"Come on push Wanda" Bruce yelled 

I spend an hour pushing until I heard cries

"peter hold the baby while I get the other one" Bruce said as Peter held the baby in his hand

"Natasha...carol come meet your daughter and your son" Peter said smiling

Natasha stumbled and walked towards him as she took the baby from his arms

and Carol did the same Natasha was holding the baby girl and carol was holing the baby boy

"She looks like you" Natasha said as I took her and she did she had a my green eyes and am guessing she got the red hair from me and Nat and she had my nose and my a mixture between my lips and Nats and am pretty sure she has my smile.

Carol handed me the other twin and he looked a lot like carol but he also looked like my twin brother he had his white hair and hazel eyes green/brown eyes and he had carols nose and had my lips

"Names suggestions" Nat said 

"What about Scarlett and Pietro" I said shyly and they both smiled at me and agreed

"Opened the fucking door I want to see my niece and nephew !!!" Thor yelled as Morgan also nodded

Peter opened the door and the whole avengers came in

"I WANT TO HOLD MY  NEPHEW OR NIECE" Tony yelled shoving everyone aside

Carol chucked and gave him Pietro and he smiled

and I gave Thor Scarlett

they all took turns holding the twins and Natasha gave me a kiss on The lips and smiled

Pepper came and whispered in my ear "They remind me of a young Wanda and Pietro" Pepper said as I smiled 

"Hey Thor let Morgan hold her baby cousins!" I yelled as he gave Morgan both Scarlett and Pietro

"She looks like aunt Wanda and he looks like...Uncle Pietro" Morgan said as I smiled

"Can I see my Nephew and niece" a voice said by the door we all turned and I saw my twin brother leaning against the door and he started to walk towards me 

I was shaking and I started to cry 

He hugged me and kissed me on the head

He walked up to Morgan and took the twins and he smiled 

"he does look like me" Pietro said and the whole room laughed.

am going to do 1-2 more chapters and then start a new book

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