the incident

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(Wanda POV)

I was holding Scarlett and Carol held Pietro Nat was gone again which wasnt a surprise, suddenly Peter burst in.

"Its Natasha!"  Those words made my eyes widen and I put scarlett down in her crib as Morgan came in the room

"Whats happening aunt Wanda" She said

"Sweetheart aunt Nat is in trouble and we need you too look after your baby cousins,can you do that for me please" I said as she nodded and smiled and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and rushed downstairs.

Carol and I gasped and found Natasha laying in the emergency bed with cuts in her arms and blood.

Bruce was helping her and he looked at me and made a sign to come in the room with him.

"Ill be back carol go check on Morgan and the twins" I said as she nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek

I went in the room and held Natashas hand 

"she'll wake up in a few hours but she's alright" Bruce said as I smiled and kissed Nats hand

(1:25 AM) 

Carol came in and carried me to our bedroom.

"I have to go back" I said 

"you need to rest" Carol said as I feel asleep

(9:07 AM)

I woke up and realized Nat should be awake by now and I got up rushing downstair as I heard Tony speaking to someone.

"Natasha you have a family you have 2 wives and 2 newborn twins no more missions," Tony said as I slowly walked in

"but-" Nat said as Tony said, "NO BUTS Natasha family comes first!" 

They saw me and there was a silence

"oh is that Morgan calling me I think it is am coming sweetheart!" Tony said as he ran 

"Am sorry Wanda" Nat said as she cried

"Don't apologize you just needed time" I said as I held her hand

" Is it okay if I see the kids...please?" Nat said

"Nat i don't think its a good idea especially in your condition," I said

"Please Wanda," She said as she cried

"okay" I finally let out

I helped her up and we walked to the twins' nursery.

we went inside the room where the twins were sleeping and as soon as they heard us they started to cry.

Carol came inside the room and hugged Natasha and sat down on the floor I picked up Scarlett and gave her to Natasha who smiled.

I picked up Pietro and I noticed he was hungry so I started to breastfeed him.

"She looks a lot like you Wanda," Natasha said 

"And you" I said as she smiled even though Scarlett look a lot like me and Natasha she also looked a bit like carol

The twins fell asleep and we put them in the cribs and head off to bed.

Natasha hugged me and gave me a kiss and Carol smiled and we cuddled with each other.

I just realize am going to have to do more so it can make sence but ill be starting a new story pretty soon!

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