The fight

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(Wandas POV)

(2:10 AM)

The alarms went on in every part of the compound and I got up as soon as I heard them.

"Carol wake Nat up and Peter I'll get the twins and Morgan," I said rushing over to Morgan's room first since it was closer.

"Morgan Hunny get up," I said as she gets up and I carry her. "what's going on," Morgan said as I ran to the twins' room.

"The compound is under attack," I said as we enter the twins' room as they run to me.

We left the twins' room, "Friday we're is everyone" I say "Safe room waiting for you Mrs.Maximoff" Friday says as we rush to the Safe room.

We enter the safe room where everyone is and ready to attack.

"What's going on," I say "Hydra is attacking the compound and they have too many men," Tony says as he tells Friday to secure the compound.

"We have an army," one of the soldiers says through the cameras.

"Yeah well we have The Scarlett Witch and her daughter," Tony says as I turn to him.

"She'll be a good use to us," The soldier says to the other one. My eyes turn red and so do Scarlett's eyes.

"Easy girls," My brother says. "Steve, Pietro, Thor, and I will go out and fight through the front while Carol, Bruce, Clint, and Vision will go in the back," Tony says.

"What about the rest of us?" I say. "Wanda, Natasha, Peter, and Sam you guys stay here and protect the compound," He says as he turns to the kids "As for the kids... this is what we trained you for and Morgan I've trained you how to fight since you were a 4 so protect each other."  Tony said.

They all went to grab weapons, "Mom..." Pietro says as he points to the window where a dark brown hair girl floats in the air...Agatha.

I yell through the coms "Guys they have a witch" I say as I run to hide the kids. "FUCK" Tony yells "Language," Steve says. "Vision, Wanda go against the witch, and Natasha and Peter hide the kids," Tony says as Vision comes flying towards me.

"Let's take this...What is she again?" Vision asks. "A witch," I said as he nods.

My powers surround me and Agatha breaks the window and flys' towards me. "Well of it isn't the Scarlett Witch," Agatha says as my eyes are overtake and my Sokovian Accent come out.

"It's Wanda," I say in my sokovian accent. She shoots her magic at me making throwing me on the floor.

Vision was now fighting her, I surround her with my magic and choke her. She grabs me and throws me against the wall making me groan.

"Wanda!" Vision yells as Agatha trows knocks him and began to walk to the safe room where the kids and Nat, Peter was.

"Friday secure the safe room" Natasha yells from the inside. 

"I can fight!" I hear Scarlett yell as Natasha yells no.

Vision sneaks behind her and punches her and I get up and surround the room in my magic so she wouldn't get in.

"Natasha, Peter she can break in there any second prepare the kids to fight," I say.

"We need back up" I hear Natasha yell through the coms, "Must of us are pretty busy down her-AH" I hear Carol say "Carol?!" I hear Nat through the coms. 

"Am fine I just got shot in the stomach" Carol says as she laughs.

I got knocked out and all I could hear was yelling and Peter and Natasha fighting her.

Natasha got thrown and almost well out the window but Vision caught her.

I saw Scarlett fighting against her and little Pietro ran to me. "Mom Tony and them need help outside am going," He says as my brother Pietro came to get him. I try to protest but I can't

Scarlett was fighting Agatha, Peter threw webs and hit her but they couldn't bring her down.

I got up and threw Agatha away from Scarlett. "Wanda we need you and the kids safe they're after yall" Tony says through the coms as I turn to Scarlett and picked her up.

Agatha was fighting Vision, Natasha, and Peter and I went outside with Scarlett and Morgan.

"Morgan you know how to fight and Scarlett you have powers... protect each other," I say as I killed half of the soldiers with my powers.

I saw Steve knocked out and Tony and Clint were protecting his body...Bruce and Carol were fighting...Nat, Peter, Vision was fighting and Sam was throwing missiles at the soldiers.

"We need to retrieve," Tony says through the coms as everyone goes down to the med bay.

"Guys we need to get out of here" Peter says "I can take them down" I say as they look at me, "What about Agatha, you'll need some help" Sam says as I try to think of something.

"Friday release the robots," I say as they turn to me. "A few years ago I made robots with Pietro for an emergency" I say as they were confused 

The robots came through the door and there were at least 25-30 of them.

"Holy sh-" Peter was cut off "Peter Parker Language," Tony said "Okay now we have back up," I say as the robots go and attack and so does the team.

I finally was able to take Agatha down and the team was able to kill the hydra men. We all return to the rooms and slept for a few hours

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