The Maximoff twins

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(Wanda POV)

I woke up to the sound of the twins crying and got up, I rushed to the nursery and picked them both up.

"They never sleep do they?" I heard my brother said as he was standing by the door

"Nope" I said smiling at him

Natasha came in and took Pietro from my arms

"I have a feeling Pietro is going to be like me" My brother said as we all chuckled

Carol came in.

"We need soundproof walls" She said as we all laughed 

"Hey, why don't you guys go and have some fun and the avengers and I will look out for them," My brother said as we all smiled.

"You don't have to ask me twice," Natasha said as we left and got ready for our day

"Alright guys please take care of them" Carol said as she gave them a death glare

"We will" Peter said as he smiled and held Zendeyas hand

(We got in the car and left)

"So where are we going?" I asked

"The beach" Natasha said

"WOHO" Carol yelled out 

we got to the beach and sat in the sand

"I hope the twins don't drive them crazy" Carol said 

"Well considering they have Wandas DNA were out of luck" Natasha said as she smirked and Carol laughed

I tilted my head and my eyes turn red and I signal Natasha to run

"Shit NATASHA RUNNN" Carol said as Natasha ran

"RUN BITCH RUNNNN" Carol yell as I got up and sprinted towards Natasha and jumped on her making her fall and I landed on her except she pushed me off and ran off, I got up and caught up with her and with strength, i picked her up and threw her in the beach.

Carol laughed and I turn to her and with my powers, I lifted her up and dragged her towards me and grabbed her as she kicked and screamed

"Wanda please nooo" Carol said as I threw her in and she got up quickly and ran towards me making me fall and she dragged me in the water.

"You didnt see that one coming" She said as we laughed

(Phone rings) 

It was my brother I picked it up

"Hello?' I said

"Wanda is Scarlett you need to come right now!" He said

"Shit guys we gotta go " I yelled as I hung up

We rushed in the car and I started to cry

(We got to the compund)

"Wanda hurry up!" Pietro yelled out and i flew in 

I saw Scarlett whos a few days old surround by red magic and her eyes were red.

"Holy shit" Carol yelled

"Language Carol" Steve said as we turned to him with a confused face and he just turned around

"what happening to her !?!?" Natasha yelled

"She has my powers...but she's too young and she cant understand whats happening she'll lose her control!" I yelled out

"She really is a mini you" Carol let out

Natasha was in shocked and I went to grab her but she just stepped back.

"Nat...?" No response "Natasha!" I yelled as she looked at me

"This is what I was afraid of" She said

"I told you this was going to happen!" She yelled

"Woah Natasha chill Scarlett is just a baby we didn't know this could happen so early" Carol said

"You didn't but Wanda did," She said as she left the room and I have tears

"Did you know?" Carol said as I nodded making her hesitate

"That's why I didn't want to be the one to carry the twins it would've been different if you carried them," I said making her wipe a tear from her eyes and she hugged me 

"Its okay we'll deal with this together" She whispered 

We put the twins in bed and head to bed, I realized Natasha wasn't,  in our room so I went and look for her, I went into her bedroom and she was laying down crying.

"Am sorry Wanda" She said as I walked up to her.

"Ill be there for you and the twins from now on" She said as she sobbed

I picked her up and head to our room where Carol was asleep I laid Natasha down and we cuddled against Carol.

"Love yall" I said as I kissed Natasha and carols cheek

"Love yall too" Nat said

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