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(Natashas POV)

Wanda left about 3 hours ago and hasn't come back...I got up and headed out my bedroom.

"Where are you going," Carol said as I stopped.

"Am going to look for Wanda please watch the kids" I said.

"She'll be back Natasha she can take care of herself," Carol said as she grabbed my hand.

"Yea bu-" I was cut off by my phone was Wanda.

I quickly answered her and but her on speaker and loud music was playing.

"N-natashaaaa I calledddd to sayy am at the bar" She said as she sounded drunk

"Wanda are you drunk?!" Carol yelled

"Oh heyyy Carol yeaa am at the barrr I'll be back laaatter" She said as she slurped her words

"Am coming to pick you up where are you?" I said as I heard a different woman at the other line of the phone.

"hey whoever this is i'll be taking care of her tonight if you know what I mean" the other woman said on the line

"Oh hell your not tha's my wif-" I was cut off by the phone hanging up.

Carol had tears in her eyes and I tried to grab her hand but she walked away.

"Carol!" I yelled out, She went into the bathroom and locked herself in, "Carol let me in!" I yelled out.

A few minutes went by and Carol was just having a full-on breakdown, she was crying and hitting the wall, I got up and kicked the door open.

Carol was on the corner of the bathroom with her knees on her chest I ran over to her and picked her up as she buried her head in my neck for comfort.

I laid her in the bed and went next to her as she put her arm across my waist and laid her head on my chest and cried.

"Shh It's gonna be okay she's not that stupid, and plus I told Peter and Tony to look for her" I said as she sniffed and nodded.

I kissed her head and she looked up at me and I leaned in and kissed her lips, and turned off the tv and she drifted into asleep.

(Hours went by and it was 7:18 am)

I heard some arguing downstairs and I didn't want Carol to wake up so I slowly moved away from her and covered her as I walked slowly towards the door and got out closing the door.

I went downstairs and Wanda and Tony were arguing and Peter and Pietro were trying to hold back Wanda.

"Wanda you have a fucking family how could you do that!" Tony yelled out "I was drunk and she took advantage of me," Wanda said in her sokovian thick accent and her eyes widen when she looked at me.

"What do you mean she took advantage of you...what the hell did you do Wanda" I said.

She stayed quiet and I went over to her to find a hickey on her neck and the other on her chest.

She looked at me in tears and I shook my head in disbelieve "no tell me you didn't" I said as I cried and she walked towards me and hugged me but I pushed her off "Don't" I said as she cried.

"I was drunk! she put something in my drink!" She yelled as I fell on my knees and covered my face with my hands.

"What's going on" I heard as I looked at the door and Carol was standing there with Scarlett in her arms and little Pietro holding her hand.

"Carol take the kids upstairs please," Wanda said as Carol slowly nodded and left, Wanda walked over to me and hugged me and I struggled to get out of her grip.

She cried and tighten her grip and I saw that no one was in the room.

"Am sorry Natasha" she said while crying and I turned and kissed her on the lips and she kissed back.

"Am gonna talk to Carol" Wanda said as I nodded and she got up and walked away.

(A few hours past and its currently 6:37 pm) 

I was on the right side of the bed and Wanda was in the middle and Carol was on the left, and we all cuddled as we watched a movie.

Carol fell asleep and she was very close to Wanda and am guessing she missed her a lot and Wanda was also asleep.

I kissed both of them in the cheek and cuddled against Wanda and fell asleep.

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