My boy

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Mickey's POV:

I've liked this kid for a while. I'm not even sure why. All we do is smoke, drink beer, and fuck until our dicks give out. But I feel complete with him. Not on any soppy gay shit though, that's just how I feel. And as weird as it is for me to say this, I want to be his boyfriend. Like, a lot, even though we don't talk about couple shit like cuddling and kissing and the whole nine yards, I'm pretty sure he would want that too. I've gotta find a way to ask him if he would wanna be with me without coming off all soft and shit. We're meeting after he gets off of work anyways so I have enough time to figure that out.

Mickey walks down to the Kash and grab where Ian's now ex sex buddy, Kash works. As Mickey walks in, Kash turns and gives Mickey a disgusted look and began to speak up. "What do you want?" Kash said whilst glaring at Mickey then back down at the register. Mickey looked up at Kash with a sly and asshole-ish look. "Oh some condoms and two sprites. For me and Ian after we finish fucking y'know." Kash slowly but surely reaches back to the shelf behind him and throws Mickey the box of condoms. Mickey throws him 20 dollars. "Keep the change big guy." He says as he walks out of the store.

Mickey's POV:

Ok Ok, I'll wait for him here. Why the fuck is my heart pounding so hard right now, it's not like I'm asking him to marry me. I mean- No! The hell am I thinking right now. I've considered that for when we're adults but that's completely besides the point. I'm just gonna wait til' he gets here and just try to tell him how I feel, can't be that hard Mickey, can't be.

Mickey looks over and sees Ian walking into the park and heading his way.

Ian's POV:

I've been wanting to talk to Mickey for a long time about us being more than friends with benefits. I like being with him and I'm pretty sure he feels the same but, I'm not sure that he would wanna talk about that but I really do like him, almost love him if I'm being honest so I'll try.

Ian makes it over to Mickey. They both look a little anxious about something.

"Hey Mickey, we need to talk." Ian says as he approached. Mickey could feel his heart pounding through his throat. He wasn't sure what Ian wanted to talk to him about but he was really hoping for the best. "Ok, spit it out." Mickey says with a slight smile.

"Ok, I know neither of us are good at this shit but bear with me right now. I want to be more than just ya know.. fuck buddies. I've felt like this for a while now, since like the second or third time we met to do what we do. I wasn't sure if you would even want to bring this weird ass relationship we have to another level or whatever. But I figured that if I felt like this, you would've felt the same."

Mickey's eyes filled with joy because Ian had taken the words right out of his mouth. " I was thinking the same thing. I was kinda scared to bring up even being a couple because I didn't really think you'd be into that... but I guess I was wrong. So I wanna be the one to ask you this.. Do you wanna y'know... be my boyfriend or something?" Mickey asked in a almost shaking nervous tone.

Ian walked in between Mickey's open legs and lifted up his chin for their eyes to meet. "Of course I will Mick." Ian smiles and kisses Mickey. Their soft loving kiss turns into a rough passionate kiss. Soon after they head under the bleachers and do their daily sextivities.

Note: Ahhh this is my first oneshot! I'm pretty excited to write more of them! I hope you guys enjoy!! <3

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