A kiss?

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Ian and Mickey had been sleeping around with each other for a few months now. Nothing they did was considered serious because they hadn't established a real relationship, which was kind of weird to literally everyone else because they were always seen together, and when they were apart they never displayed any type of affection for other people they were around, so basically everyone assumed they were a couple.

Ian was on the way to Mickey's house when he ran into his best friend, Mickey's younger sister, Mandy. "Hey Mands." Ian said while approaching her with a hug. Mandy reached her arms out and hugged Ian. "I have a question." Mandy said with a slight grin. "Spit it." Ian said with a confused look. "So are you and my brother like...boyfriends?" Many said with a breath. "Well we never really talk about it, but if anyone wanted to hook up with me or something like that, I'd say yes." Mandy looked at Ian with a shocked expression as if she hadn't already asked her brother the same thing. But the only surprising part about this was the fact that Mickey had said the same thing. In his words, " Ehh we don't really get into that but if someone wanted to fuck, I would say yeah." If the boys were considered boyfriends to everyone else, and they considered themselves boyfriends to people that were interested in them, why didn't they consider themselves boyfriends among each other. With that Mandy waved goodbye to Ian and they both went their separate ways. Ian makes it to his destination and knocks on the front door in hopes that he'd be greeted by Mickey. Just in his luck, Mickey answers the door and lets Ian in.

The two sit on the living room couch and begin to watch tv. While watching an episode of the children's show "Sanjay and Craig" which they both seemingly really enjoyed, Ian wondered how Mickey would feel if he asked about their current so called "relationship." Ian began to speak. "Hey Mick, since we're like technically boyfriends I guess-" Mickey's eyebrows cocked up at the word "boyfriends", Mickey wasn't even sure if Ian saw them in that type of relationship. Ian laughs at his expression and mocks it, then he continues his sentence. "So, why have we never kissed." Ian swallowed at his own words with the thought of how Mickey might answer his question. "Well, I never really thought you would even say we're boyfriends. I thought you saw me more as a friends with benefits type of thing but now that kinda doesn't make sense considering the fact that neither of us has dated, or even fucked anyone besides each other since the day we started messing around. But, I don't know, we're both so horny all the time, I didn't even think about an actual non-sexual kiss with you." Ian looks a little disappointed. Mickey notices that and rephrases his words. "That's not what I meant Red, I just didn't know if that's where you wanted to take it. I don't-" Before he can finish, Ian pulls him in for a soft and passionate kiss on the lips making both the boy smile into the kiss.

"That was pretty easy." Ian says with a giggle, realizing that Mickey had felt the same way about them being an actual couple. They sit back with Mickey sliding his arm across Ian and finish watching their show.

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