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Ian's POV:
It was getting kinda cold outside, so bundling up under the comforter with Mickey was really my only option. Not that I minded it a single bit. He wasn't one to really be into cuddling but, when it got cold outside, that was another story.
"Gallagher move your legs over, other people are in the bed ya' know?" Mickey says was a half-grin. I move my legs over slightly more onto his side, just for the fun of it. He looks over at me as if he's ready to pounce. "Fine fine." I say as I shift my legs over to my side of the bed. "To say that you wanna cuddle all day, you're not really feeling this body contact are you?" I say with a giggle, he looks at me, I can't really read his expression but I could only describe it as artificial disgust. "We ain't cuddling Red, I just don't wanna freeze my balls off." I know he likes cuddling with me during these freezing temperatures, though for some reason or another he'll never admit that. "I'm gonna take a shower, want in?" I look at him, he has a devious grin on his face, I already know what he wants to do and I'm in. "Hell yeah, I feel gross anyways from your sweaty ass back." I chuckle. He slaps the back of my neck in a playful manner. He gets out the bed and I can't help but admire the way his ass moves in his boxers... perfect. I get up too and head to the bathroom. Im met with an already naked Mickey waiting for the water to heat up.
The water finally heats up and we both get in, me behind him. I grab the shampoo and squirt some into my hands. "Want me to wash your hair?" I say as he turns around to face me. "Seems a little faggy but sure, why not Gallagher." He laughs and turns back around. Again, I can't help but admire his bubble butt. I pinch the underside of it and he playfully slaps my hand away. "You're supposed to be washing my hair, not groping me Red!" We both burst into laughter. After we settle down, all the shampoo from my hand is gone, so I pick up the bottle to squirt some more back into my hand. I rub my hands together and begin to massage his scalp. He steps back a little, his ass now on my exposed crotch. Showers with him are the best. We get out and we dry off, ready to get right back in bed. I had my back turned to him after I grabbed my pajamas out the drawer. When I turned to face him I noticed he had one of my shirts on. I couldn't help but grin and how loosely the shirt fit around his body. "Fuck you lookin' at Gallagher?" Mickey says with a fake confused face. "Oh nothing, let's head to bed, I'm stumped." We head back to sleep for the night.

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