Episode 11 - Damsel in Distress

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"Last time on Total Drama Anarchy... The teams had to capture an animal each. The Hippie Hippos had to catch a bear, while the Power Pigs the sasquatchanakwa. The Power Pigs surprisingly were led to victory by Dawn, who showed her worth to her team. Kitty's complaining of her team's lack of doing challenges properly ended up being her downfall once Scott exposed her. I wonder where he got that footage from? Kitty's out, but Emma doesn't know that yet. What will her reaction be when she finds out one of her own teammates eliminated her sister, and what challenge will be set in store today? I hope the teams are ready! Find out all this on today's episode of TOTAL. DRAMA. ANARCHY!!!!"

Darkness was thrust upon Wawanakwa. It was late in the night, and everyone was asleep. The campfire ceremony was behind them, and the camp was in total silence.

Quiet footsteps sounded softly on the grass. The girls' cabin door opened slowly with a creak, the moon uncovering a large shadow. The figure stepped inside the cabin, looking around and examining each girl. They walked to the end, and eventually stopped at the first girl. A Hispanic Type-A perfectionist was sleeping soundly in her bed, her back to the figure.

The figure then turned to a second girl, who was sleeping opposite the first. The goth girl was also sleeping peacefully in her bed, completely oblivious to the fact that there was someone right behind her. 

The figure chuckled deviously.

"GOOD MOOOOORNING CAMPERS!" Chris called with his megaphone early the next morning. The sun was only just beginning to rise, and all the campers were still asleep. Well, they were asleep. "Report to the Mess Hall for breakfast, immediately!"

Silence was the only response for a few moments, before both doors slammed open and half-asleep campers trudged out of the cabins. 

The girls and boys looked toward each other, then back at Chris.

"Where's Weird Goth Girl and Miss CIT?" Heather asked, spinning her head around to look for them.

Chris only snickered in response. "In case y'all didn't hear me..." He brought the megaphone up to his mouth again. "Report to the Mess Hall for breakfast! Now!"

The campers gave each other uneasy looks, before heading to the Mess Hall.

Bridgette: Chris is literally psycho... I have a bad feeling about this. Gwen and Courtney are both my friends and I really hope they're not hurt.

The campers ate mostly in silence, worry struck upon their faces with each chew they took.

"Relax, you guys," Emma said to the rest of her team. "Chris probably has them, so I'm sure they're fine!"

"You don't know Chris," Noah said, before rolling his eyes. "Either he has no idea who took them and is going to create a challenge out of this, or he took them, is torturing them by putting them together and is going to create a challenge out of this. Either way, he's going to create a challenge out of this. I think that's all we're worried about."

Silence broke out again, until everyone had finished their food. Both teams looked at each other from across the Mess Hall with the same, uneasy expression as Chris paraded in. 

"I love how concerned you all are over your fellow campers!"

"Is Gwen okay?" Trent asked eagerly, his eyes wide.

LeShawna huffed beside him. "If our girl is in trouble, I will do your head in!"

"Yeah!" The rest of the team agreed.

Chris chuckled and patted her on the back. "Nice to see that the Hippos care oh so much for Gwen. Pigs, how do you feel right now? You're missing one of your best players."

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