Bruises and Scars Part 1 (Yeji)

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It's 3 o'clock in the morning, the night has been really taugh, since we are in New Years Eve and many car accident due to the alcohol are happening a lot tonight.
My name is Y/N Y/LN and I'm a emergency nurse at Saint-Joseph Health Center, in Toronto, Canada. I was about to take a coffee when the alarm rung another time for the coming of an ambulance.

- Rah, you gotta be kiding me!, I said putting back my blouse and running to the entrance.

There was the two guys from the anbulance pushing another stretcher with a girl on it.

- What is it this time?

- Yeji Hwang, 21 years old, asian descent, she was in a car with her sister, the sister is ok, but her she had a head trauma, bones fractures in the arms and legs and three ribs broken. Noze broken and bleeding hard and contusions all over her body.

- What's the blood type?

- A+.

- Ok John! Come with me. Lets take that patient to the operating room.

While saying that I lifted the sheet from over her face. Even with the contusions and the broken noze that girl was really pretty. I felt sad to see her like this.

Few days have past but Yeji is still not coming back to conscience. I was affected to take care of her, so I had to see many people coming to see her in the room. Her parents came, her sister, and some other friends and relatives. Most of them came with flowers and in two days the room was full of colored bouquets. The machine analysing her cardiawaves was still giving a positive result so she was healthy even in the coma. But the doctor were trying to explain to the family that she will need time to wake up and we didn't really know how much.

As I was her nurse I look everywhere on her to make sure all the burdens and scars were fading progressively. I could say that even with all the traumatisms her body had from the accident, she was recovering good. Her beautiful face completely shut down in coma was, thank god, not that much covered with bruises. She got lucky in away.

One week has past, Yeji is still not waking up, they are thinking about sending her to another hospital to try a risky operation that could maybe wake her up. The doctor explained all the procedure to the parents, but they didn't take their decision yet. I got to speak with them a little since I see them regularly.

- What do you think about that Y/N?

- Well I'm just her nurse. Even if I have my oppinion the decision is still taken by you.

- Do you think this operation can wake her up?

- Maybe, but there is still some risk that she will be in a trauma state. Maybe she will not be able to quit the hospital, even waked up.

Yeji's mom started to cry.

- My little baby.

- But while she's still on my watch I will take care of her the better I can. Remember there is still hope that she will wake up without any help.

- You still believe it?, said her father.

- Yes.

- Thank you Y/N you're a angel.

- I'm just doing my job, Mrs Hwang.

Next night I'm chatting with John, around a coffee, in the break room when a room alarm started to ring.

- Room 2.50! Oh my god! It's Yeji!, I said running to her room.

The electrocardiogram was running fast. But nothing wrong was happening to her she was just paniking because she was waking up.

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