Bruises and Scars Part 2 (Yeji)

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- Baby, I'm home!

Yeji just got back from work. She bougt herself a medical office not far from our appartement. It's been now 9 month since she started to build her patient base, and as she's a really professionnal veterinary she gets more and more renown every month.
We are not married, but we are cohabitating. As I was already owner of my appartement she move in and we are now living there together. We started recently the talking about the next step: having kids. She said she is not ready, I'm ok with that, we are still young, we got time. For the moment the only creature we take care of, appart of ourselfs, is Candy the little brown pomeranian we adopted one year ago now. She's so adorable, most of all when she comes to the door when we come back home from work. When we are both absent we entrust her to Yeji's parents.

Today I was home cause the hospital gave me some days after I worked almost a complete week. When Yeji called out for me in the appartement I didn't answered to shoked about about what happen during her absence.

- Y/N? Are you home?

- I'm in the bathroom...

She came in with a confused face and saw me on knee on the bathroom floor holding, Candy, our little puppy. She was whining in pain while I caress her tenderly.

- What is going on? Y/N?

- Candy just fell on the floor. She has lost her balance.

- Were she climbing on something?

- No she just fell like a faint or something. She's no hurt, butsince I'm holding her she whining in pain.

- Give her to me.

I passed Candy to her arms and she deposite her on the floor. Candy tryied to walk, but she looked like she was drunk. Her paws not capable of supporting her weight.

- Candy, my baby, what's wrong, said Yeji holding her back to hugher strong.

- You're the veterinary, you should try to find, my love.

- Yes, you're right. Tomorrow I have just one consultation, I'mgoing to take Candy with me to my office and try some exams on her.If I don't find anything I got some colleague that can do a morespecific analysis.

- You are beautiful when you speak like a professionnal, I saidkissing her cheek.

- But for now, Candy you will just stay on your basket.

- We should take her with us in the bedroom.

- I was about to propose it.

The day after. Yeji took Candy with her. I stayed at home alone taking care of some papers and having fun on the Nintendo Switch. The day for me passed really fast actually, but for Yeji it was horrible. I finded it out only when she came back home with Candy.

- So did you find what's wrong?

- I did everything I was able to do in my office with the machinesI had.

- And so?

- I wasn't able to find the reason yet. I called a colleague, fromthe Parliament Animal Hospital, they have an electroencephalogram. Hewill receive Candy in immergency tomorrow.

- My pour little, baby, I said caressing Candy little face.

She just looked at me with sad eyes and put her paw over my wrist,whining.

The after again. Yeji came back from the hospital, her face was grim. I got to her for a hug kissing her cheek tenderly.

- Did your colleague found what was wrong finally?

- Candy has a cerebral hilness.

- You mean like a tumor?

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