Chapter Four

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I was at a loss for words. What was happening?! This never happened!

"Umm... Yeh, I'm Maya. Nice to meet you"

She just smiled at me. Something about her eyes drew me in. Not the colour, though it was unusual, but the way they looked into mine like she already knew me.

Before long, Mr Thompson announced we would be doing a lab - identifying different types of alcohols. I chuckled at that.

"What are you giggling at?" Rosalie laughed at me.

"I did this lab last year. It's remarkably easy." I justified

"Oh, so you're a nerd then?" She laughed at me, but the way she said it didn't make it sound malicious. It was more of an endearment.

"I prefer the term genius!"

We got to work on the lab, chatting as we did so. Rosalie told me her family were all adopted, and their parents Carlisle and Esme were basically biological to them. She explained that her twin - Jasper - and her share the same name of Hale, yet the rest of the family took Carlisle's name of Cullen. She also mentioned that her adopted siblings and she were all dating - apart from the one she called Edward - but I didn't question it. I was more concerned I didn't have a chance with her, to be honest

I kept my part of the family talk quiet. I just explained that I moved here because of my mother remarrying, that my twin and I didn't really get on and that Forks was supposed to be a new start for me.

After a while, long after we finished, Mr Thompson came over.

"So, Miss Hale, you didn't give our new student a chance to have a go at the lab then?"

"Actually," Rosalie corrected, "Maya identified 3 of the 5"

"I see," he said, "were you in an accelerated program at your old school?"

"Obviously" I flaunted

"I see it's a good thing you're lab partners then" He walked off.

Well, that was strange. I guess Rosalie must be very good at Chemistry.

"How would you like to sit with my family and me at lunch today?" Rosalie asked.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She just smiled and winked at me. Lord, this girl was driving me crazy.

The rest of the day passed pretty quickly and before I knew it, it was already lunch. I walked into the corridor leading to the cafeteria where I was brutally knocked to the floor. Guess who?

"Bella?" I shouted, "What the fuck??"

She didn't even acknowledge me, just laughed with her new friends and walked away. Great. I started picking all my books up before a large hand leaned down to help. I looked up to see Rosalie and the rest of her family, with a boy I assumed to be Emmett crouching to help me pick up my books.

"You didn't say she was that much of a bitch" Rosalie sneered.

"Tell me about it" I replied.

Everyone introduced themselves, with Alice and Jasper giving me hugs and Edwards and Emmett kissing my cheek. I would be lying if I said I didn't blush.

We walked over to what I assumed was 'their' table and I locked eyes with Bella. Edwards noticed this and took my hand to drag me away.

-Bella's Table-

"Who are they?" Bella questioned

"They're the Cullens" Jessie gossiped, "They moved down here from Alaska like 2 years ago. They're all adopted by this heavenly doctor."

"Maybe he'll adopt me?" Angela giggled.

"They're all together! Like together-together. Like the blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big guy, that's Emmett. And the small girl is Alice, she's with Jasper, the one who looks like he's in pain."

"Is that..."

"Oh my god. Is that your sister? With Edward Cullen?"

Bella only saw red. Maya's first day of school and she's already made friends with the attractive people? Not okay.

"Oh my god, they're holding hands! She is so lucky!" Jessie exclaimed.

Bella made eye contact with Maya, but she just turned away without saying anything. Edward was so hot. He would make any girl swoon. And he was holding hands with HER sister.

- The Cullen's Table -

Maya was laughing so hard her stomach hurt. The Cullens - she decided - were amazing.

Emmett told amazing jokes. Rosalie complimented her all the time. Alice was interested in her clothes and had already planned a trip out for them. Jasper asked her about her home life, and really listened when she talked. And Edward made her feel safe, like she could speak her mind.

There was something going on in her mind though. She felt as though she had a crush... on ALL of them. She knew that wasn't normal and decided she was just happy to have new friends. Ones that weren't toxic.

As she was laughing, her bottle started to fall off the table. Without thinking, she used her powers to levitate it back up.

She froze.

As she looked up, she saw the impressed and confused faces of the Cullens directly on her.


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