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There was a new spring in the men's step the following morning. The joy couldn't be contained as the men sang sea shanties and occasionally skipped in their steps. They began to tease one another as the winds pulled them along the seas. It seemed that the men's favourite victim to pick on with their teasing was young Reuben-Oliver Yates or 'Roy' as the men called him. Apart from Henry, young Roy was the youngest on the Golden Empress.

Roy was twelve years old when he first met the Captain. He was an orphan surviving on the streets of Plymouth by pick pocketing. He was remarkably light on his feet and nimble with his fingers. He had luckily never been caught before until he thought the Captain would make a good target. He was in the process of slipping his fingers towards the Captain when a tight grip caught him.

"I wouldn't do that boy," He warned as Roy looked up at him with fearful eyes, realising he had been caught. When the Captain pulled him forward to face him, he realised the mistake he had made instantly. If the sight of a blade strapped to his side or the pistol in his back pocket didn't frighten him, then the dagger pressed under his chin did.

"You have spirit boy. What is your name?" That was the start of the journey for young Roy. He didn't have any family and nothing was keeping young Roy to Plymouth. At first the Captain had been reluctant to take on the boy. He didn't want to throw the boy into a life of danger. He had instead tried to put the boy in an honest occupation but that didn't interest the young thief. With his quick thinking he had managed to stowaway on the Golden Empress. The Captain was fuming upon the realisation of his 'new' crewmember as the boy accidently gave himself away before they set sail.

Unable to deter the determined young man he was welcomed to the crew. He was worked to the bone just as the Captain had warned him but Roy didn't mind. He was sailing the seas and seeing the world. Four years later and his pickpocketing expertise came in handy when the men docked at different ports. He was a small lad with a baby face that he couldn't grow out of. It worked in the Captain's favour when he was sent to spy on someone on land. He easily blended into the shadows and was overlooked as children always were. He regularly kept to the crow's nest, his young eyes keeping watch and looking out on the horizon.

Teasing taunts were being shouted up at Roy who couldn't stop the deep blush that crossed his cheeks. He didn't have much experience around women let alone a Lady. It was only natural that the young boy had developed a little crush on the Duchess. Crude calls were being whistled below the crows nest as the young boy shifted uncomfortably, embarrassed as the Duchess sat beside him. Heights had never bothered her before as she felt as though she was on top of the world.

"Give him a kiss!" They called out as laughter erupted below. Roy was frozen as before he could even contemplate the Duchess had placed a simple kiss on his cheek.

"Alright leave the poor boy alone!" The Duchess called out laughing as the men shook their heads laughing before returning to work. Roy was frozen, his mind had stopped working as he tried to comprehend that he had gotten a kiss. Not a true kiss but still it was the first kiss he had ever received from a woman before. He burned bright pink as Liz took this as a moment to leave the poor lad alone and climb back down.

The men's attitude towards the Duchess had dramatically changed overnight and it didn't go unnoticed by the Captain. The men were superstitious men at sea and they didn't think it was a coincidence that when she played a melody from the heavens they were suddenly gifted with wind. The Captain couldn't help himself but constantly follow her with his gaze. It was like she was a magnet and he couldn't look away. Every so often she would look and their gaze would meet but he wouldn't look away. Liz wondered if she was doing something wrong whenever she caught the Captain's stormy gaze fixed on her. She didn't want to admit it but his eyes would send a shiver down her spine. It was an instinctive response and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't control it.

In the afternoon the men put on a little 'tournament' of bravery. It was a way that kept up their skills and burnt off excess steam. Using their weapon of choice, pistols excluded a new contender it was a known rule that if you won your round you could take your opponents weapons if you desired. Like any tournament there were rounds. Two competitors would battle it out until there was victor. A victor was decided by whoever managed to draw first blood. Nothing deep or life threatening, a mere scratch was enough. Once everyone had their go the victors of the first round would progress to the next round and fight each other and so on until only the final two remained. From there they would battle it out to be crowned the victor.

Men wagered whom they thought would win, some fights they didn't bother betting their money as they thought it would be a given outcome. Henry sat on a tall barrel as Liz stood beside him to keep him out of trouble as the first pair began their challenge.

"That looks like fun" Henry smiled as she brushed her fingers through his hair softly.

"You can't join Henry" She smiled as he pouted, crossing his arms in a huff as he realised she knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Are you going to join Aunt Lizzie?" He asked her as she hesitated looking at the men who were cheering for their preferred victor. A round of applause and roar signalled the end of the battle as young Roy bravely stepped forward to be the next contender.

"I challenge the Duchess" He answered as the men looked from the young boy to Liz. With a smirk and raised eyebrow she pushed off the railing. Henry clapped with excitement to see Liz take her stance in front of Roy who shifted on his feet whether it was in nerves or anticipation Liz wasn't sure.

"Your weapon of choice Duchess?" Higgs questioned as he realised she didn't have one.

"The victor can claim their opponents weapon correct?" She confirmed as he paused before nodding.

"Then I'm set," She answered as the men began betting with interested.

"Ten on the Duchess" Edward smirked towards Pierre who shook his hand agreement. Liz stood before Roy casually and with ease as she assessed the boy before her. He had two jewelled hilted daggers in his hands as he bounced on his feet before he swiped at her. The men watched cheering Roy on as he continued to swipe the air. Liz easily dodged his attempts to pounce on her as Edward struggled to contain his laughter. She was toying with him. Lunging forward, Liz sidestepped her arm shot out locking Roy's in an unnatural angle as one dagger fell to the ground. Kicking him behind the knee his leg gave out as he fell towards the deck. Swiping the fallen blade from the floor she pricked the tip of his finger as Roy smacked the deck in anger of his quick defeat.

Holding out his hand for payment Pierre growled in annoyance as Liz saw a lot of the men had bet against her. As the tournament progressed Liz stuck with her single dagger she got from Roy until she acquired a blade from her brother. Edward didn't give her much of a fight as he had already been on the receiving end of her anger with a blade. He wasn't foolish enough to do it twice. The final two came down between Pierre and the Duchess. Half the men were shouting and rooting for the last man standing, the others backing up the Duchess wanting to desperately the chance to tease Pierre that he lost to a woman.

Pierre was a man of brute strength. Every swipe of his sword held power, as Liz knew she needed to make the battle a short one. His determination with the blade would tire her out easily. She let the men have their fun as they equally matched each other. They reminded her of fans of a football grand final. Each cheering when their team did something wrong and growing angry when they lost. Deciding she had finally had enough Liz backed away her eyes calculating her opponent. Racing towards him she raised her sword in an arch, as he went to defend the high attack, she allowed her body to slide underneath his legs. Raising the dagger that had been stored in belt she raised it to nick the inside of his thigh.

The crew hadn't realised that Liz had won as they frowned at Pierre who began to curse at sky. Holding up her dagger the metal caught the light of the sun as the single drop of blood sparkled. She panted with exhaustion letting her head rest against the deck as the men who had betted on her began to cheer loudly. Feeling the vibrations of a pair of boots the men's cheering still as she brought her hand up to block the sun.

"What do you say to one final challenge Duchess?"

The Duchess out of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now