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The Enchantress had been taken in a stealth attack in the early hours of the morning. Jennings men had still been sleeping in their hammocks as soldiers one by one attacked. Two carefully fired canons had knocked down the masts rendering the ship helpless. The watchman had helped himself to too much rum the night before and had fallen asleep on the job. Lucky for him the British had granted him a quick and painless death unlike the one that Jennings had planned for him. Jennings was fuming, as he was the only remaining survivor of his crew. He had shackles excessively tight snapped onto his wrists before he had been dragged on board the Queen Victoria. His cursing tongue had been silenced with a mouth gag as he was given new residence in the brig where he would stay until they reached land and had him hanged.

Liz breathed in deeply once she was on the main deck. She graciously accepted Lord William's hand as he acted as a balance beam for her as she crossed the plank onto the Queen Victoria. Liz stood watching and waiting until all her men had safely crossed over onto the British ship before she felt her energy begin to drain away. She could see some of her men looked uncomfortable being surrounded by so many men in military uniform, but with a couple of nudges from Higgs in the ribs they did their best to relax. If they acted as though they belonged aboard no one would question them.

"Lord Williams! What is the meaning of this?" A voice shouted as Liz turned with Lord Williams to face the voice. She noticed that Thomas beside her stiffened at the officer who watched her with cautious eyes. His uniform was in perfect mint condition, not a single golden tassel sat out of place. His white powdered wig underneath his large hat was a crisp white as though it had been bleached. The uniform could make anyone look smart, even the snake of a man who wore it.

"Commodore, may I introduce you to her Grace, the Duchess of Devonshire. Your Grace this is Commodore Julian Roosevelt." Liz could tell that Thomas was slightly uncomfortable beside her. The man had beady snake eyes and a large hooked nose. His very essence oozed authority and callousness. He reminded her a lot of her father in the way he held himself as he stuck his nose up at her as though she wasn't important.

"So this is the woman who has caused all this trouble?" He addressed Thomas only, not daring to look at Liz who clenched her fist in frustration.

"This woman can speak for herself Commodore and you will address with me with respect." She commanded of him as his eyes snapped down to her. She was a woman of nobility and she expected him to treat her as such. Not some speck of dirt under his boot.

"Of course, your Grace, my sincerest apologises." There was no sincerity in his voice as he gave her a stiff bow. She wondered if the steel rod that seemed to be up his spine threatened to snap as she raised her eyebrow at him.

"We shall see." She made it clear as day that his apology wasn't accepted. She knew deep down in her gut that she didn't need to be making any more enemies but she couldn't help it. She knew deep down this man was malicious and she planned to keep him in line the best way she knew how. By pulling rank.

"Tell me your Grace. How have you managed to survive this long on a ship full of pirates?" His meaning didn't go unnoticed as she glared at him with fury. Thomas beside her gaped at his commander in horror at what he was insinuating.

"How dare you sir! I don't not answer to you!" She squeaked as he growled at her answer, not pleased to have a woman defy him.

"Yes you will ---"

"I have had it with pirates and sailors! How long until we reach England and civil company Captain?" Liz didn't let the Commodore finish before she turned to Thomas beside her for an answer.

"We are—"

"I wasn't talking to you! You will not speak unless spoken to in my presence!" She snapped at the Commodore who tried once again to interrupt. If he was a cartoon character Liz knew he would have smoke blowing out of his ears by now as his cheeks flushed an angry pink. Both the Commodore and Liz knew that she outranked him.

"Captain!" Liz asked him once again as Thomas took a second to find his tongue as he stared in disbelief and joy at seeing the Commodore being put in his place.

"uhh we should reach England by nightfall." He answered as she sighed with joy. Land. She would soon be off the wretched ship.

"Well?" She asked him as he took a moment to realise she was telling him to set sail. Glancing at the Commodore for certainty he merely nodded before orders were shouted out. The remaining crewmembers of the Golden Empress had been watching the showdown between Liz and Commodore with fascination. It was no secret that they hated the man's very existence. But they wished more than anything that their Captain could see this now. A soldier lead them below deck where they could freshen up and enjoy some bread and water. They all slowly followed except for Higgs and Pierre who stood waiting for their Duchess.

"Let me set the record straight Commodore. I don't not like or trust you." Liz broke the silence; her tone had changed from fury to a sickly sweet. The kind of tone that warned you, that you were treading on dangerous turf with a woman, a woman who was secretly planning your own murder.

"The feeling is mutual." He spat out in agreement. Liz wondered if his face was unable to express any other emotion except pure disgust.

"Don't you forget that I am married to one of the most powerful men in Great Britain. It would be a shame you for you lose such a stunning uniform." She told him sweetly batting her eyelashes as she let her fingers play with a few of his tassels before letting him go, ruining his perfect placement.

"We shall see what the Duke says about your behaviour when you are returned to him shortly." The Commodore threatened as Liz looked at his baffled.

"My behaviour! Forgive me if once I sent a foot on shore I don't want to be anywhere near another sailor." She retorted before she waved him away. The Commodore didn't appreciate being dismissed as he took a dangerous step closer.

"Now now your Grace. I am a honourable man, what kind of man would I be if I let a Lady such as yourself find her way home on her own after the ordeal you have been through." His faced turned into a smile. It wasn't a friendly smile; it was a dark smile that held malicious intent. It made Liz's blood run cold as she took a step away from him.

"My men can return me home just fine without your help." Liz was trying to regain control as she rejected his offer. Deep down she didn't want him anywhere near her on land. She would have enough problems as it was dealing with the Duke and explaining herself, without having the Commodore there to witness it.

"Unhand me at once!"

"You have caused me more trouble than you are worth! You may have Lord Williams fooled but forgive me if I don't take your word for who you claim to be. I will not be satisfied until I hand you over to the Duke myself." The Commodore's grip was tight as he squeezed Liz's upper arm pulling her into him. Looking into his threatening gaze she refused to show him the terror she felt.

"I would kindly ask you to release her ladyship sir" Higgs sternly spoke as the Commodore and Liz's gaze snapped to Higgs who stood arms crossed with Pierre behind him. Snarling at the request the Commodore practically threw Liz at the men, as Pierre was quick to catch her.

"You alright Duchess?" Pierre's words were a mere whisper as she nodded before she let them guide her down below deck. The Commodore's piercing gaze following them as Liz's swallowed nervously. Her tough exterior failing as she realised what this meant. The Commodore didn't believe who she claimed to be.

The Duchess out of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now