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Liz stood leaning against the metal bars of the cell that held her captive. The crew were all sitting or pacing uncomfortably waiting to know what would become of them. Higgs glanced up at the young woman who stood silently, all life and will to fight had seemed to leave her. The Captain was gone. Edward was gone. Henry, oh dear sweet Henry. Hanging her head Liz knew she would never be able to face Charlotte again. How could she? She had watched helpless as her pride and joy fell overboard towards the ocean and what had she done? Nothing, she did nothing and now he would be lost to the ocean forever.

"I demand an audience with the captain!" The harsh voice made all the men jump before they looked at Liz as though she had grown three heads.

"Duchess! What are you doing?" Higgs hissed at her as he saw a fire in her eyes as she gripped the bars with determination.

"She will get us all killed!"

"I DEMAND AN AUDIENCE WITH THE CAPTAIN OF THIS SHIP!" Liz shouted with ferocity as Higgs tried to pry her away from the bars. She merely shrugged him as they all heard a pair of boots coming in their direction. The jingle of keys echoed as everyone remained silent. The crew were afraid as the man came around the corner with a dark smirk on his face. He didn't say anything as Liz met his glare. She hadn't been able to save Henry, her brother or the Captain but she would be damned if she didn't try and save the men that had survived. She owed them that much. The man unlocked the cell and grabbed her harshly on her upper arm, dragging her out before locking the door again. She squeaked as her feet struggled to keep up as the men shouted her name as she was pulled onto the main deck. Throwing her forward, Liz was quick to regain her balance, she didn't fancy falling flat on her face.

"What's going on?" She heard Jennings before she saw him as he joined the rest of the men who had circled around her in interest. She could see in their eyes that the attention they were giving her was going to give her nightmares. If she didn't play her cards right she knew that the Captain would turn her into the ships personal wench. A role she had no desire to take up.

"She demanded an audience with you capt'n." The man behind her told Jennings as he raised an eyebrow in annoyance.

"I have come to negotiate for the lives of myself and my men." Liz answered sternly, holding her head high as everyone laughed at her statement.

"Do you now?" Jennings smirked with interest, as he looked her up and down. Holding back a cringe Liz stood firm and met his gaze with a firm one.

"I think you will be very interested in my offer." She told him.

"Alright lass. What's your offer?"

"I know what you and your men desire and I can get it for you?" Her confidence amused Jennings as he raised an eyebrow. He didn't think Liz was being serious; he was currently having too much fun entertaining her to take her words seriously.

"Oh I doubt you can do that." He smirked as the men all let out another roar of laughter.

"I offer you, your ships worth in gold." Her voice rose to be heard over the laughter. As soon as the word gold had left her lips silence filled the air. The men's mouths dropped open in awe as they looked amongst each other gasping and whispering. The excitement began to brew amongst the crew as Jennings's attention snapped to Liz. She now had his full attention and she knew it. She could see there was hesitation but his greed won over as he asked the one question everyone was dying to know.

"How do you suppose you do that?" He asked slowly, licking his lower lip at the thought of all that gold.

"I am the Duchess of –"

"You hear that lads! We have royalty in our midst" Jennings snickered as the men laughed. Slowly breathing through her nose Liz wasn't going to be deterred from her goal.

The Duchess out of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now